Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 58
A factor's account book
The account book contains information about transactions of an unknown merchant in Charleston, S.C. The book details the sale of cotton, rice, and other commodities. It also provides information about the sale of goods and trade with ships and other merchants who operated in Charleston. The account book is a detailed representation of these transactions, but it does not name the factor or the company who it belonged to. No information on the origin of the account book is available.
A teaching collection of medieval manuscripts
Sigmund Abeles papers
The papers of figurative artist and educator Sigmund Abeles include biographical information, correspondence, and information about his art career.
George Smith Adams papers
Mainly George Smith Adams' genealogical research documenting his father George Alexander Adams (1887-1984), mother Theodora Elizabeth Smith Adams (1888-1983), grandfather Daniel Townsend Smith (1842-1929) with data on the Washington Artillery, and great grandfather Thomas Peter Smith (1814-1899). Also included are materials relating to his extended family and their surrounding areas, especially the Townsend family, Medway Plantation, Edisto Island, Charleston, South Carolina.
Saul Alexander papers
Dora Altman collection
Anderson Sisterhood minutes book
Original and photocopied monthly meeting minutes book of the Anderson Sisterhood of Temple B'nai Israel located in Anderson, South Carolina. The Anderson Sisterhood was affiliated with the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, now known as Women of Reform Judaism, and helped to raise funds for rabbinic scholarships and charities including the American Red Cross and the Hebrew Orphan's Home in Atlanta, Georgia.
Bank of Charleston records
Records of the Bank of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina. Materials relate to the daily operations and financial transactions of the Bank of Charleston. Collection includes ledgers, journals, and receipt books containing records of general accounts, deposits, loans, and exchange rates. Also included are ledgers containing the business accounts of Merchants National Bank, Savannah, Georgia, and the Bank of Liverpool.
Banov and Leopold families papers
Assorted family papers of the Banov and Leopold families. Materials consist of correspondence, postcards (many published by I. Ginsburg), clippings, printed materials including Ladies Benevolent Society Centennial pamphlets, prayer books, artifacts, and other ephemera.
Baruch and Lennox families photographs and papers
The collection consists of family photographs and photograph albums, scrapbooks, and assorted papers of the Baruch family of Camden, South Carolina, and New York City, and the Lennox family of Rocky Hill, Connecticut. Materials primarily relate to Hartwig Nathaniel Baruch Sr., stage actor and member of the New York stock exchange, his wife, Arline Lennox Baruch, and their son, Hartwig Nathaniel Baruch Jr.