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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 58

A factor's account book

Identifier: Mss 0073
Collection Overview

The account book contains information about transactions of an unknown merchant in Charleston, S.C. The book details the sale of cotton, rice, and other commodities. It also provides information about the sale of goods and trade with ships and other merchants who operated in Charleston. The account book is a detailed representation of these transactions, but it does not name the factor or the company who it belonged to. No information on the origin of the account book is available.

Dates: 1861-1864

A teaching collection of medieval manuscripts

Identifier: Mss 0175
Abstract This collection consists of 15 leaves from medieval manuscripts selected for the purposes of teaching medieval textual culture. Every common book-type is represented: psalter, gradual, missal (Sanctorale and Temporale), lectionary, folio Bible, pocket Bible, breviary, civil law, Book of Hours (three examples spanning two centuries), capitulary, as well as leaves from a Quran and an Ethiopian Gospel book in Ge'ez that represent the ongoing tradition of manuscript production in the...
Dates: approximately 1250-approximately 1920

Sigmund Abeles papers

Identifier: Mss 1164

The papers of figurative artist and educator Sigmund Abeles include biographical information, correspondence, and information about his art career.

Dates: 1900-2023; Majority of material found within 1980-2017

George Smith Adams papers

Identifier: Mss 0174

Mainly George Smith Adams' genealogical research documenting his father George Alexander Adams (1887-1984), mother Theodora Elizabeth Smith Adams (1888-1983), grandfather Daniel Townsend Smith (1842-1929) with data on the Washington Artillery, and great grandfather Thomas Peter Smith (1814-1899). Also included are materials relating to his extended family and their surrounding areas, especially the Townsend family, Medway Plantation, Edisto Island, Charleston, South Carolina.

Dates: 1826-2010; Majority of material found within 1925-1999

Saul Alexander papers

Identifier: Mss 1030
Collection Overview Collection includes bound account and inventory ledgers, cancelled checks, check registers, correspondence, photograph, ephemera, and electrocardiograph chart. Collection contains business records (1914-1925) from The Saul Alexander Dry Goods Store in Summerville, South Carolina. Eleven bound volumes include an account ledger (1914-1919) organized by name of vendor; six inventory ledgers (1915-1925), each lists type of merchandise, quantity in stock, and price; expense ledger (1922-1924)...
Dates: 1914-1937

Dora Altman collection

Identifier: Mss 1006
Collection Overview Includes photographs, photocopies, correspondence, address books, autograph books, and ephemera. Collection consists of material related to Dora Altman's immediate family and relatives, including obituaries and family genealogy notes. Also included are a personal autograph book (1920s) and several address and memo pads with notes on family birthdays and death dates. Material of the related Brown family consists of correspondence and publications (1980s-1990s). Collection includes candid...
Dates: approximately 1880-1998

Anderson Sisterhood minutes book

Identifier: Mss 1034-101

Original and photocopied monthly meeting minutes book of the Anderson Sisterhood of Temple B'nai Israel located in Anderson, South Carolina. The Anderson Sisterhood was affiliated with the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, now known as Women of Reform Judaism, and helped to raise funds for rabbinic scholarships and charities including the American Red Cross and the Hebrew Orphan's Home in Atlanta, Georgia.

Dates: 1931-1939

Bank of Charleston records

Identifier: Mss 0004

Records of the Bank of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina. Materials relate to the daily operations and financial transactions of the Bank of Charleston. Collection includes ledgers, journals, and receipt books containing records of general accounts, deposits, loans, and exchange rates. Also included are ledgers containing the business accounts of Merchants National Bank, Savannah, Georgia, and the Bank of Liverpool.

Dates: 1837-1874

Banov and Leopold families papers

Identifier: Mss 1162

Assorted family papers of the Banov and Leopold families. Materials consist of correspondence, postcards (many published by I. Ginsburg), clippings, printed materials including Ladies Benevolent Society Centennial pamphlets, prayer books, artifacts, and other ephemera.

Dates: 1901-2004; Majority of material found within 1929-1979

Baruch and Lennox families photographs and papers

Identifier: Mss 1110

The collection consists of family photographs and photograph albums, scrapbooks, and assorted papers of the Baruch family of Camden, South Carolina, and New York City, and the Lennox family of Rocky Hill, Connecticut. Materials primarily relate to Hartwig Nathaniel Baruch Sr., stage actor and member of the New York stock exchange, his wife, Arline Lennox Baruch, and their son, Hartwig Nathaniel Baruch Jr.

Dates: 1889-1976

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  • Subject: books X

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Additional filters:

correspondence 24
clippings (information artifacts) 18
ledgers (account books) 17
black-and-white photographs 11
books 9
photographs 9
minutes (administrative records) 8
scrapbooks 8
account books 7
color photographs 7
financial records 7
letters (correspondence) 7
minute books 7
prayer books 7
cashbooks 6
certificates 6
programs (documents) 6
Charleston (S.C.) 5
artifacts (object genre) 5
diaries 5
family papers 5
journals (accounts) 5
photocopies 5
receipts (financial records) 5
school yearbooks 5
DVDs 4
Ephemera 4
administrative records 4
compact discs 4
deeds 4
genealogical tables 4
pamphlets 4
postcards 4
Account books -- South Carolina -- Charleston 3
Church records and registers -- South Carolina -- Charleston 3
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 3
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston 3
black-and-white negatives 3
commonplace books 3
illuminated manuscripts 3
legal documents 3
letterpress copybooks 3
notes (documents) 3
printed ephemera 3
school records 3
videocassettes 3
wills 3
Bibles 2
Charities -- South Carolina -- Charleston 2
Charleston (S.C.) -- History 2
Commission merchants -- South Carolina -- Charleston 2
Funeral homes -- South Carolina -- Charleston 2
Gay couples -- South Carolina -- Charleston 2
Gay men, White -- South Carolina -- Charleston 2
Gay people -- Social life and customs 2
Genealogy 2
Illumination of books and manuscripts 2
Jewish families -- South Carolina -- Genealogy 2
Jewish women -- Societies and clubs 2
Jewish women -- South Carolina -- Charleston 2
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- Charities 2
Merchants 2
Retail trade -- South Carolina 2
Rice -- Milling -- South Carolina -- Charleston 2
South Carolina -- History -- 1775-1865 2
South Carolina -- History -- 1865- 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Atrocities 2
accounts 2
address books 2
albums (books) 2
audiocassettes 2
autograph albums 2
bankbooks 2
black-and-white slides 2
business records 2
card photographs (photographs) 2
charters 2
charts (graphic documents) 2
color slides 2
copybooks (instructional materials) 2
daguerreotypes (photographs) 2
digital images 2
drafts (documents) 2
drawings (visual works) 2
essays 2
exhibition catalogs 2
genealogies (histories) 2
identity cards 2
inventories 2
land grants 2
memoirs 2
missals 2
obituaries 2
papers (documents) 2
passports 2
periodicals 2
personal correspondence 2
picture postcards 2
poetry 2
posters 2
Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, S.C.) 4
Harby family 3
Congregation Sinai (Sumter, S.C.) 2
Drayton family 2
Freemasons 2
Hirsch, Mordenai Raisin 2
Moses family 2
Abeles, Sigmund, 1934- 1
Abell family 1
Adams, George Alexander, 1887-1984 1
Adams, George Smith, 1923-2018 1
Adams, Theodora Elizabeth Smith, 1888-1983 1
African Methodist Episcopal Church 1
Aleph Zadik Aleph. Charleston Chapter 1
Alexander, Henry A. (Henry Aaron), 1874-1967 1
Alexander, Rebecca Ella Solomons, 1854-1938 1
Alexander, Saul, 1884-1952 1
Altman family 1
Altman, Dora, 1896-1999 1
Avery Normal Institute 1
Ball, Edward, 1958- 1
Bank of Charleston 1
Bank of Liverpool 1
Banov (Family : Charleston, S.C.) 1
Banov family 1
Baruch family 1
Baruch, Arline Lennox, 1893-1995 1
Baruch, Hartwig Nathaniel, Jr., 1918-1997 1
Baruch, Hartwig Nathaniel, Sr., 1868-1953 1
Bayless, Joy 1
Benbassat family 1
Benbassat, Dan 1
Benbassat, Jacques, 1929-2010 1
Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Beth Israel Congregation (Beaufort, S.C.) 1
Beth Israel Congregation (Florence, S.C.) 1
Bnei Zion (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Book Basement (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Brith Sholom (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Brown family 1
Butwin, Frances 1
Butwin, Joseph (Joseph Mazo), 1943- 1
Butwin, Julius, -1945 1
Byrd, Suzanne 1
Catholic Church 1
Charleston Jewish Social Services (S.C.) 1
Charleston Zionist Society (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Chisolm's Rice Mill (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina 1
Cohen family 1
Colcock, William Ferguson, 1804-1889 1
Columbia University 1
Confederate Home and College (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Washington Artillery Battalion (New Orleans, La.) 1
Dale Farms Corporation (Beaufort, S.C.) 1
Daughters of the American Revolution 1
De La Motta family 1
De Lyon family 1
Draisen, David 1
Drayton, Carolus 1
Drayton, Charles Henry, 1847-1915 1
Drayton, Charles, 1785-1844 1
Drayton, Charles, 1814-1852 1
Drayton, Charlotta D., 1884-1969 1
Drayton, James Shoolbred, 1820-1867 1
Drayton, John, 1831-1912 1
Drayton, John, active 1777 1
Drayton, Mary Middleton Shoolbred, 1794-1855 1
Drayton, Thomas Henry Middleton, 1828-1867 1
Drayton, William Henry, 1742-1779 1
Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963 1
Duncan, Eugene, 1905-1969 1
Elfe family 1
Elias, Rebecca, 1839-1896 1
Emanuel AME Church (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Epps (Family : Conway, S.C.) 1
Epps family 1
Eugene Gadsden Company (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Fallon family 1
Fellowship Society (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Feuerstein family 1
Feuerstein, Adela 1
Fontaine, William A. (William Alvin), 1920-2005 1
Fontaine-Hancock Interiors 1
Gadsden Funeral Home (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Gadsden, Eugene, 1866-1928 1
Gadson family 1
Gaillard & Mazyck 1
Glen, James, 1701-1777 1
Goldman, Harold, 1901- 1
Goldman, Herman, 1903-1973 1
Goldman, Joseph 1
Gordon, Mark 1
Grimké family 1
Grimké, Angelina Emily, 1805-1879 1
Grimké, Frederick, 1791-1863 1
Grimké, John Fauchereaud, 1752-1819 1
Grimké, John Paul, 1713-1791 1
Grimké, Sarah Moore, 1792-1873 1
Grimké, Thomas Smith, 1786-1834 1