Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 35
Fund and Kerner families papers
The collection consists of photographs, postcards, clippings, memoirs, and other papers relating to the Fund and Kerner families, whose members immigrated to the United States from Poland and Czechoslovakia after World War II.
Sandra Garfinkel and Morton Henry Shapiro papers
Alwyn Goldstein papers
Biographical materials, correspondence, research files, printed materials, photographs, family scrapbooks, and family photograph albums of Alwyn Goldstein of Georgetown, South Carolina. Also included are materials relating to Alwyn’s Department Store and various administrative records of Temple Beth Elohim.
Albert Gosschalk papers
Photographs, silver objects, and other papers of Albert Gosschalk, a Jewish resistance fighter during World War II from the Netherlands. Materials relate to the families of Gosschalk and his wife, Theodora "Doris" van Blankenstein Gosschalk and their lives before, during, and after World War II.
David Grabin papers
Images, memoir, and newspaper clippings of David Grabin, a Holocaust survivor imprisoned at several camps during World War II. Images include negatives, slides, photocopies, and digital images of family photographs Grabin carried throughout the war. Grabin's memoir details his experience as he was separated from his family and moved from camp to camp, ending at Theresienstadt.
Samuel Greene papers
Photographs, a memoir, and other papers of Samuel Greene, a native of Sławatycze, Poland. Materials include photographs of Greene and his wife, Regina Kawer Greene, before, during, and after World War II.
Heiden family papers
Holocaust archives field researchers collection
The collection consists mostly of copied materials, including photographs, memoirs, clippings, books, objects, and other papers. These materials were collected for the Holocaust Archives from Holocaust survivors, World War II veterans, and others, including liberators of German concentration camps, who settled in South Carolina.
Robert E. Kingsley photographs
The collection consists of approximately 90 photographs, 260 negatives, and three scrapbooks of Robert E. Kingsley, a U.S. Air Force staff photographer, taken during World War II, the Korean War, the 1963 fire aboard the TSMS Lakonia, and at North and Shaw Air Force Bases in South Carolina. Also included are 16 Holocaust atrocity photographs taken at Dachau and Mauthausen concentration camps.
Pincus Kolender papers
The collection consists of images and transcripts of a speech and oral history interview of Pincus Kolender, a Jewish native of Bochnia, Poland, who survived imprisonment in multiple concentration camps during World War II, including Szebnie, Birkenau, Buna, and Dora. Images include pre- and post-war photographs of Kolender and his family, as well as those of his wife Renee Fox (formerly Fuchs) Kolender.