Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 842
Bank of the United States stock indentures
Consists of stock indentures issued in Charleston, South Carolina, to Isaac Ball, James Calder, Louis Danjou, John C. Faber, Marie Huguet, William Jenner, Basil Lanneau, Nathan Nathans, William Payne, Burridge Purvis, William Purvis, George Rose, J.E.A. Steinmetz, Williams Thayer, Miss A.E. Van Rhyn, and James Hamilton (of Georgia).
Banov and Leopold families papers
Assorted family papers of the Banov and Leopold families. Materials consist of correspondence, postcards (many published by I. Ginsburg), clippings, printed materials including Ladies Benevolent Society Centennial pamphlets, prayer books, artifacts, and other ephemera.
Edna Ginsberg Banov papers
Banov family papers
Claude C. Barnes Buchenwald atrocity photographs
5 black and white photographs taken after the liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp by Corporal Claude C. Barnes.
Barnwell family papers
Baruch and Lennox families photographs and papers
The collection consists of family photographs and photograph albums, scrapbooks, and assorted papers of the Baruch family of Camden, South Carolina, and New York City, and the Lennox family of Rocky Hill, Connecticut. Materials primarily relate to Hartwig Nathaniel Baruch Sr., stage actor and member of the New York stock exchange, his wife, Arline Lennox Baruch, and their son, Hartwig Nathaniel Baruch Jr.
Jack Bass and Walter De Vries papers
Martha Mondschein Bauer papers
Correspondence, photographs, and memoirs of Martha Mondschein Bauer, a Jewish nurse who escaped Germany by becoming a volunteer nurse in England and the Dominican Republic. Included is correspondence regarding her brother and her husband's parents, photographs of Mondschein's and Bauer's family members, and her husband Felix Bauer's memoir.
Minnie Tewel Baum papers
The collection consists of letters, telegrams, and other papers relating to Minnie Tewel Baum's unsuccessful efforts to aid her cousin, Malie Landsmann, and her family, in escaping Nazi Germany. Included is a photograph of Malie Landsmann, her husband, Chaim, and their daughters, Ida and Peppi.