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Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 35

Mel Kraus papers

Identifier: Mss 1065-033

The collection consists of five photographs of Mel Kraus, a U.S. soldier who served in the Army Air Corps during World War II. Included is a photocopy of a two-page flight manifest detailing the August 1945 transport of Nazi prisoners to Nuremberg, Germany, in preparation for the war crimes trials held there later that year.

Dates: 1944-1945

Albert J. Martin collection of World War II photographs

Identifier: Mss 1065-047

The collection consists of approximately 160 photographs and negatives collected by U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Albert J. Martin during World War II. Photographs show Nazi parades, American troops and materiel, and German landscapes, buildings, and civilians. Also includes nine Holocaust atrocity photographs taken in a concentration camp near Erfurt, Germany.

Dates: circa 1942-1945

Pollitzer and Hoben families papers

Identifier: Mss 1140
Abstract Biographical materials, writings, correspondence, photographs and negatives, newspaper clippings, working files, born digital records, research materials, and publications/printed materials of the Pollitzer and Hoben families. In particular, the collection covers the life and activities of Margaret Pollitzer Hoben, progressive educator, writer, speaker, and former Director of The Walden School in New York City. Also included are the working files of an unpublished book entitled, “Her Past...
Dates: 1894-2013

Paula Kornblum Popowski papers

Identifier: Mss 1065-015

Negatives, slides, digital images, and other papers of Paula Kornblum Popowski, a Polish-born Jew who survived the Holocaust by passing as a Christian. Materials include pre- and post-war photographs of Popowski and her family and friends, photographs of locations where Popowski lived in Poland and Germany, and her false Polish identification papers. Other materials include postcards and letters sent to Popowski, mostly after the war.

Dates: circa 1893-2009

Katherine Goldstein Prevost papers

Identifier: Mss 1065-001

The collection consists of copy negatives and slides, memoirs, clippings, and other papers of Katherine Goldstein Prevost, a native of Budapest, Hungary, who was imprisoned in Kaufering, a subcamp of Dachau, during World War II. Included is a memoir written by Prevost's friend Ferike Csato and a videocassette interview of Samuel Klasner, another friend, all Holocaust survivors.

Dates: 1925-2000

Harold Schreiner photographs

Identifier: Mss 1065-025

The collection consists of approximately 42 photographs taken in 1945 by Harold Schreiner, a U.S. Army tank commander. These images show war damage in Germany and include 14 Holocaust atrocity photographs from Dachau concentration camp.

Dates: 1945

Robert Schwartz papers

Identifier: Mss 1168

The papers of Robert Schwartz, medical doctor and captain, in the United States Army during World War II. Papers and artifacts reflect his service and activities during the war and as a participant of the liberation of Buchenwald. Included are photographs and a letter documenting the atrocities at Buchenwald concentration camp.

Dates: 1933-1968; Majority of material found within 1942-1945

Vera Nathans Semel papers

Identifier: Mss 1065-016
Abstract Photographs, birth certificates, marriage certificates, identity cards, passports, and other papers of Vera Nathans Semel, a Dutch Jew who survived World War II in hiding. Most papers, including birth and marriage certificates, relate to Nathans's maternal family, the Paerls. Pre-war photographs show Nathans's maternal grandparents and uncle in Amsterdam; post-war photographs show her, her parents, husband, and children in Beverwijk and Bussum, both in the Netherlands, and in Scarsdale, New...
Dates: 1830-1996

Ethel Jorgensen Stafford papers

Identifier: Mss 1065-021

The collection consists of images, postcards, clippings, and photocopies of Ethel Jorgensen Stafford, a U.S. Army nurse who was stationed in Germany in 1945. Included are atrocity photographs of concentration camp victims and photographs of war damage to German cities where Jorgensen was based, including Aachen, Viersen, Gardelegen, and Berlin.

Dates: 1943-1951, 2008

Synagogue Emanu-El records

Identifier: Mss 1141

Records of Synagogue Emanu-El, the first conservative synagogue in Charleston, South Carolina. Materials document the administrative, social, educational, and spiritual activities of the congregation and its members. Also included are the records of Emanu-El’s Sisterhood, which provides major financial support for the synagogue.

Dates: 1943-2014

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  • Subject: black-and-white negatives X

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Additional filters:

Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 29
World War, 1939-1945 -- Atrocities 26
black-and-white slides 21
digital images 20
photocopies 19
∨ more
black-and-white photographs 16
clippings (information artifacts) 9
correspondence 9
memoirs 8
DVDs 7
videocassettes 7
Holocaust survivors 6
Holocaust survivors -- Poland 6
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Personal narratives 6
Photographs 5
World War, 1939-1945 -- Concentration camps -- Germany 5
color photographs 5
photograph albums 5
facsimiles (reproductions) 4
interviews 4
photo CDs 4
postcards 4
scrapbooks 4
Charleston (S.C.) 3
Dachau (Germany) 3
World War, 1939-1945 3
World War, 1939-1945 -- Destruction and pillage -- Germany 3
color slides 3
identity cards 3
letters (correspondence) 3
photographs 3
Łódź (Poland) 3
Austria 2
Berlin (Germany) 2
Bussum (Netherlands) 2
England 2
Hidden children (Holocaust) -- Netherlands 2
Holocaust survivors -- Netherlands 2
Jewish children in the Holocaust -- Netherlands 2
Jewish ghettos -- Poland -- History 2
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston 2
Poland 2
South Carolina 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Concentration camps -- Germany -- Dachau 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Concentration camps -- Germany -- Weimar (Thuringia) 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Jewish resistance -- Poland 2
birth certificates 2
compact discs 2
financial records 2
genealogical tables 2
manuscripts (documents) 2
membership lists 2
minutes (administrative records) 2
newsletters 2
obituaries 2
pamphlets 2
passports 2
prayer books 2
printed materials (object genre) 2
telegrams 2
typescripts 2
Africa -- Description and travel 1
African Americans -- Relations with Jews 1
Amsterdam (Netherlands) 1
Bavaria (Germany) 1
Beverwijk (Netherlands) 1
Bochnia (Poland) 1
Bodzentyn (Poland) 1
Budapest (Hungary) 1
CD-Rs 1
Canada 1
Charleston (S.C.) -- Genealogy 1
Charleston County (S.C.) 1
Child psychology 1
Conservative Judaism -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
Czechoslovakia 1
Early childhood education 1
Educators -- New York (State) -- New York 1
Emigration and immigration -- Czechoslovakia 1
Europe -- Description and travel 1
Forced labor -- Poland -- Starachowice 1
France -- History -- German occupation, 1940-1945 1
Fund raising 1
Gardelegen (Germany) 1
Gardelegen Massacre, Gardelegen, Germany, 1945 1
Georgetown (S.C.) 1
Germans -- Canada -- Evacuation and relocation, 1939-1943 1
Germans -- Great Britain -- Evacuation and relocation, 1940-1945 1
Germany 1
Grevesmühlen (Germany) 1
Gunskirchen (Austria) 1
Holocaust survivors -- Austria 1
Holocaust survivors -- France 1
Holocaust survivors -- Germany 1
Holocaust survivors -- Poland -- Łódź 1
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Poland -- Personal narratives 1
Israel -- Description and travel 1
Jewish camps 1
Jewish children in the Holocaust -- France 1
+ ∧ less
English 32
German 11
Polish 5
Hebrew 4
Dutch; Flemish 3
∨ more  
United States. Army 8
Dachau (Concentration camp) 5
Auschwitz (Concentration camp) 2
Buchenwald (Concentration camp) 2
Adkins, Diny K., 1938- 1
∨ more
Alwyn's Department Store (Georgetown, S.C.) 1
Barnard College 1
Bauer, Felix, 1914-2006 1
Bauer, Martha Mondschein, 1915-2011 1
Baum, Minnie Tewel, 1898-1985 1
Benbassat family 1
Benbassat, Dan 1
Benbassat, Jacques, 1929-2010 1
Bernstein, Frieda Gosschalk 1
Beth Elohim (Georgetown, S.C.) 1
Birkenau (Concentration camp) 1
Blas family 1
Blas, Erika 1
Blas, Harry, 1924-2003 1
Bridges, Paul, 1924-2010 1
Crews, Herb 1
Cross, Charles C., 1924-2009 1
Csato, Ferike 1
Daurer, Joe, 1909-1998 1
Dorsey, Mickey, 1925- 1
Drucker, Lewis 1
Engel, Joe, 1927- 1
Feuerstein family 1
Feuerstein, Adela 1
Freilich, Max, 1924- 1
Fund family 1
Fund, Claire 1
Garfinkel family 1
Goldstein family 1
Goldstein, Alwyn, 1915-2010 1
Gosschalk, Albert, 1920-1991 1
Gosschalk, Theodora van Blankenstein, 1922-2001 1
Grabin, David, 1919-2004 1
Greenberg, Polly 1
Greene, Regina Kawer, 1920-1990 1
Greene, Samuel, 1914-2013 1
Greenspon, Roz G. 1
Gunskirchen (Concentration camp) 1
Heiden (Family : Lake City, S.C.) 1
Heiden, Bari King, 1937-2010 1
Heiden, Rose F. Drucker 1
Heider family 1
Hellman, Ann Meddin 1
Hellman, Irene 1
Hoben family 1
Hoben, Lindsay, 1902-1967 1
Hoben, Margaret Pollitzer, 1894-1983 1
Hudson, Carey Lee 1
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union 1
Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav), 1875-1961 1
Kaufering (Concentration camp) 1
Kerner family 1
Kingsley, Robert E., 1921-1999 1
Klasner, Samuel, 1917-2001 1
Kolender, Pincus, 1926-2008 1
Kolender, Renee Fox, 1922-1999 1
Kraus, Mel 1
Lakonia (Motorship) 1
Landsmann, Malie 1
Lindsay family 1
Martin, Albert J., 1913-1997 1
Mauthausen (Concentration camp) 1
Newcombe, Liz 1
Opper, Evelyn Widawski 1
Order of the Eastern Star. Grand Chapter of South Carolina 1
Paerl family 1
Pollitzer family 1
Pollitzer, Alice K. 1
Popowski, Paula Kornblum, 1923- 1
Prevost, Katherine Goldstein, 1924- 1
Reavis, Josine Gosschalk 1
Schreiner, Harold, 1917-2005 1
Schwartz (Family : Schwartz, Robert, 1916-2008) 1
Schwartz, Robert, 1916-2008 1
Semel, Vera Nathans, 1943- 1
Service Employees International Union 1
Shapiro family 1
Shapiro, Morton Henry, 1928-2007 1
Shapiro, Sandra Garfinkel, 1935- 1
Stafford, Ethel Jorgensen, 1923- 1
Synagogue Emanu-El (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Synagogue Emanu-El (Charleston, S.C.). Sisterhood 1
Taylor, Francine Ajzensztark, 1928- 1
Theresienstadt (Concentration camp) 1
Travis, Rebecca 1
Turner, Robert 1
United States. Air Force 1
United States. Army. Air Corps 1
United States. Army. Armored Division, 11th 1
United States. Army. Infantry Division, 71st 1
Walden School 1
Warshaw, Bernard, 1920-2014 1
Weintraub family 1
Weintraub, Guta Blas, 1924-2008 1
Widawski family 1
+ ∧ less