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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 34

Willy Adler papers

Identifier: Mss 1065-028

The collection consists of correspondence, certificates, and other papers of Willy Adler (1920-), a native of Hamburg, Germany, who immigrated to the United States in 1939. Materials document Nazi persecution of the Adler family.

Dates: 1913-1938, 1982-2010

Claude C. Barnes Buchenwald atrocity photographs

Identifier: Mss 1065-054

5 black and white photographs taken after the liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp by Corporal Claude C. Barnes.

Dates: 1945

Minnie Tewel Baum papers

Identifier: Mss 1065-045

The collection consists of letters, telegrams, and other papers relating to Minnie Tewel Baum's unsuccessful efforts to aid her cousin, Malie Landsmann, and her family, in escaping Nazi Germany. Included is a photograph of Malie Landsmann, her husband, Chaim, and their daughters, Ida and Peppi.

Dates: 1938-1941

Harry Blas and Erika Stockfleth Blas papers

Identifier: Mss 1065-029

The collection consists mainly of copy negatives, slides, and digital images of pre-World War II photographs of the families of Harry Blas, born in Łódź, Poland, and Erika Stockfleth Blas, born in Grevesmühlen, Germany. Also included is a short memoir by Harry Blas detailing his experiences in the Łódź ghetto and Auschwitz concentration camp, and a handwritten genealogy of the Stockfleth family by Erika Blas.

Dates: circa 1910-circa 1980

Zig Boroughs papers

Identifier: Mss 1065-040
Abstract The collection consists of correspondence, memoirs, and other papers of Zig Boroughs, an American soldier who served with the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment during World War II. Two memoirs are included: one written by Edith Jakobs, a Jewish native of Germany who was liberated by members of Boroughs's unit while in hiding in the Netherlands; the other by Werner "Tom" Angress, also a Jewish native of Germany, who enlisted in the U.S. Army and served as an interrogator with Boroughs's...
Dates: 1984-2008

Paul Bridges Holocaust photographs

Identifier: Mss 1065-035

The collection consists of copies of photographs taken at Dachau concentration camp and collected by Paul Bridges, a U.S. soldier who served as a guard at the camp after its liberation in April 1945.

Dates: 1945-1946

Buchenwald concentration camp photographs

Identifier: Mss 1065-031

The collection consists of four photographs of Buchenwald concentration camp taken in April 1945, shortly after its liberation by the U.S. Army.

Dates: 1945

Buchenwald concentration camp reports

Identifier: Mss 1065-030

The collection consists of two May 1945 U.S. Army reports written by F. van Wyck Mason describing conditions at Buchenwald concentration camp and other areas in Germany.

Dates: 1945

Charles Cross collection of Buchenwald concentration camp photographs

Identifier: Mss 1065-032

The collection consists of nine photographs of Buchenwald concentration camp taken in April 1945, shortly after its liberation by the U.S. Army. Also included is a 1993 interview on videocassette with Corporal Charles Cross, who collected the photographs.

Dates: 1945

EastWest Institute (EWI) archive

Identifier: Mss 0219

Assorted photographs, published materials, and video and audio recordings relating to the EastWest Institutes (EWI), an international not-for-profit, non-partisan think tank focusing on international political, economic and security issues founded by John Edwin Mroz and Ira D. Wallach in 1980. Materials document the EastWest Institutes (EWI) programmatic activity throughout its 40-year existence.

Dates: 1980-2020

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  • Subject: Germany X

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Additional filters:

Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 28
World War, 1939-1945 -- Atrocities 26
black-and-white negatives 16
photocopies 16
black-and-white photographs 14
∨ more
digital images 13
correspondence 12
DVDs 10
World War, 1939-1945 -- Concentration camps -- Germany 10
black-and-white slides 10
clippings (information artifacts) 10
memoirs 6
videocassettes 6
Holocaust survivors -- Germany 5
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Personal narratives 5
World War, 1939-1945 -- Concentration camps -- Germany -- Weimar (Thuringia) 5
photo CDs 5
Germany 4
photographs 4
Berlin (Germany) 3
Dachau (Germany) 3
Holocaust survivors -- Poland 3
World War, 1939-1945 -- Concentration camps -- Poland 3
World War, 1939-1945 -- Destruction and pillage -- Germany 3
photograph albums 3
postcards 3
England 2
Holocaust survivors 2
Nuremberg Trial of Major German War Criminals, Nuremberg, Germany, 1945-1946 2
World War, 1939-1945 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Aerial operations, American 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Concentration camps -- Germany -- Dachau 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Medical care 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Participation, Female 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Pictorial works 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Regimental histories -- United States 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- United States 2
booklets 2
color photographs 2
color slides 2
identity cards 2
magazines (periodicals) 2
military records 2
orders (military records) 2
programs (documents) 2
typescripts 2
Ahlem (Germany) 1
Asia, Central 1
Atlanta (Ga.) 1
Austria 1
Bavaria (Germany) 1
Budapest (Hungary) 1
Buildings -- War damage 1
Będzin (Poland) 1
CD-Rs 1
Canada 1
China 1
Conflict management -- International cooperation 1
Diseases -- Patients -- Germany -- Wiesbaden 1
Europe 1
Europe, Eastern 1
Fort Bliss (Tex.) 1
France 1
Gardelegen (Germany) 1
Gardelegen Massacre, Gardelegen, Germany, 1945 1
Germans -- Canada -- Evacuation and relocation, 1939-1943 1
Germans -- Great Britain -- Evacuation and relocation, 1940-1945 1
Grevesmühlen (Germany) 1
Hamburg (Germany) 1
Hidden children (Holocaust) 1
Holocaust survivors -- Romania 1
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Anniversaries, etc. 1
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Poland -- Personal narratives 1
International cooperation 1
International relations 1
Jewish ghettos -- Poland -- History 1
Jews -- Persecutions -- Germany -- Hamburg 1
Jews -- South Carolina -- Orangeburg 1
Kaufering (Germany) 1
Kindertransports (Rescue operations) -- Great Britain 1
Korea (South) 1
Korean War, 1950-1953 1
London (England) 1
Luxembourg 1
Military decorations -- United States 1
Military hospitals 1
Military nursing 1
Nazi concentration camps 1
Nazi concentration camps -- Austria 1
Nazi concentration camps -- Germany 1
Netherlands 1
Nuremberg (Germany) 1
Nurses -- United States 1
Ohrdruf (Germany) 1
Orangeburg (S.C) -- Genealogy 1
Photographs 1
Research institutes 1
Russia 1
Security, International 1
South Carolina 1
+ ∧ less
English 31
German 9
No linguistic content; Not applicable 3
Dutch; Flemish 2
Hebrew 2
∨ more  
United States. Army 12
Buchenwald (Concentration camp) 6
Dachau (Concentration camp) 6
Auschwitz (Concentration camp) 5
Theresienstadt (Concentration camp) 2
∨ more
Adler, Willy Moritz, 1920-2013 1
Ahlem (Concentration camp) 1
Angress, Werner T. 1
Baum, Minnie Tewel, 1898-1985 1
Bergen-Belsen (Concentration camp) 1
Betsill, Edwin 1
Blas, Erika 1
Blas, Harry, 1924-2003 1
Block, Leopold 1
Boroughs, Zig 1
Bridges, Paul, 1924-2010 1
Burns, Mark W. 1
Burrows, Jim 1
Crews, Herb 1
Cross, Charles C., 1924-2009 1
Csato, Ferike 1
DeMasi, Reka Rich, 1933-2016 1
EastWest Institute (New York, N.Y.) 1
Engel, Joe, 1927- 1
Freilich, Max, 1924- 1
Goldsmith, Florence 1
Goldsmith, Hilda 1
Goodin, Benjamin 1
Grabin, David, 1919-2004 1
Hellman, Ann Meddin 1
Hellman, Irene 1
Herz, Rudolf, 1925-2011 1
Holland, Clarence 1
Hudson, Carey Lee 1
Institute for East-West Security Studies 1
Institute for EastWest Studies 1
International Military Tribunal 1
Jakobs, Edith 1
Kaufering (Concentration camp) 1
Kingsley, Robert E., 1921-1999 1
Klasner, Samuel, 1917-2001 1
Kraus, Mel 1
Kronprinzessin Cecilie (Ship) 1
Lakonia (Motorship) 1
Landsmann, Malie 1
Lawson General Hospital 1
Layden, Lawrence, 1916-2011 1
Lombardi-Nash, Michael A. 1
Martin, Albert J., 1913-1997 1
Mason, F. van Wyck (Francis van Wyck), 1901-1978 1
Mauthausen (Concentration camp) 1
McDonald, Ruth Ann, 1919-2013 1
Mroz, John Edwin 1
Muller, Meir 1
Newcombe, Liz 1
Ohrdruf (Concentration camp) 1
Pintus family 1
Pintus, Lise 1
Prayzer, Mike, 1922-1995 1
Prevost, Katherine Goldstein, 1924- 1
Rich, Isadore, 1856-1910 1
Rosenthal, Albert 1
Rubin, Bernice Prayzer 1
Schreiner, Harold, 1917-2005 1
Schwartz (Family : Schwartz, Robert, 1916-2008) 1
Schwartz, Robert, 1916-2008 1
Shealey, Heyward, 1918-2001 1
Shealey, Marcia 1
Shealey, Sid 1
Shoftim Society 1
Sieradzki, Benjamin, 1927-2011 1
Simpkins, Lyle, 1917-1944 1
Stafford, Ethel Jorgensen, 1923- 1
Stern, Abraham, 1929- 1
Syré-Herz, Ursula 1
Tott, Vernon W. 1
Travis, Rebecca 1
Turner, Robert 1
United States. Air Force 1
United States. Army Nurse Corps 1
United States. Army. Air Corps 1
United States. Army. Air Corps. Air Force, 9th 1
United States. Army. Armored Division, 11th 1
United States. Army. Field Hospital, 30th 1
United States. Army. General Hospital, 67th 1
United States. Army. Infantry Division, 84th 1
United States. Army. Parachute Infantry Regiment, 508th 1
University of South Carolina. School of Law 1
Wallach, Ira D., 1909-2007 1
Warshaw, Bernard, 1920-2014 1
Zeilsheim (Displaced persons camp) 1
+ ∧ less