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Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 115

Mendelsohn family papers

Identifier: Mss 1139

Photographs, eulogies, audio interview, and clippings relating to the Mendelsohn family of Charleston, South Carolina. Benjamin Mendelsohn and his wife, Fay Zamler Mendelsohn, settled in Charleston in 1907 where Benjamin operated a tailor shop on King Street and Fay later opened her own store, the Bandbox, selling women's hats and dresses. The collection also includes images of the related Bluestein family.

Dates: 1920-1968, 2001

Mendelson family photographs

Identifier: Mss 1154
Abstract Photographs, photograph albums, slides, and home movie film reels from the Mendelson family of Charleston, South Carolina. Images include a trip to Israel, A. Mendelson & Son at various addresses on King Street, a Citadel Dress Parade, National Music Co. run by brothers-in-law Otto Fox and Isadore Mendelson, family groups at various locations, 1940 hurricane damage, the Bronx Zoo, late 1940s Azalea Parades, summer camps, Charleston landmarks, College of Charleston graduation, and the...
Dates: 1917-1975

Metropolitan Community Church of Charleston (MCC) records

Identifier: Mss 0209
Abstract Collection consists of the records of the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) of Charleston, a mission of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches (UFMCC), from 1990-2009. UFMCC is a Christian church that welcomes members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community. Records include meeting minutes, bylaws, and financial information relating to the church’s activities, including worship services, the church food bank, and partnerships with...
Dates: 1990-2009

Nathaniel Russell Middleton papers

Identifier: Mss 0032
Collection Overview Nathaniel Russell Middleton papers consist of his writings, his correspondence with his wife and children, and miscellaneous items. Middleton's writings consist of poems, essays, and addresses about Christianity, the fine arts, philosophical materialism, temperance, secession, fame, the U.S. Constitution, and other subjects, many of which were probably delivered to the students of the College of Charleston during his tenure there as professor and president. Correspondence includes letters...
Dates: 1823-1881

James Warley Miles papers

Identifier: Mss 0008
Collection Overview Papers consist of correspondence, transcripts of Miles' sermons and addresses, notes for a sermon, clippings, and biographical materials. Letters and notes include a letter (1852 March 5) to Miles from Henry D. Lesesne asking Miles to preach at Calvary Church, a note (1870 May 26) from C.G. Poyas regarding the transmission of a gift volume to Miles, and a typescript copy of a letter (1857 April 1) from Miles to Mr. [Robert Newman?] Gourdin concerning the number of volumes in the College of...
Dates: 1852-1970; Majority of material found within 1852-1875

Ben McCutchen Moïse papers

Identifier: Mss 0183

Manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, work files, publications, and related papers of Ben McCutchen Moïse, conservation officer with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources from 1978 to 2002, author of Ramblings of a Lowcountry Game Warden: A Memoir, and editor of A Southern Sportsman: The Hunting Memoirs of Henry Edwards Davis.

Dates: 1908-2011

Charlotte A. Myers collection

Identifier: Mss 0213
Abstract The collection contains correspondence and newspaper clippings relating to Charlotte A. Myers’ divorce from literary critic and poet Rufus Wilmot Griswold. Materials also relate to Caroline Griswold, a writer and Griswold’s daughter from his first marriage, who was raised by Myers. There are also daguerreotype portraits of Myers and Caroline Griswold and a commonplace book assembled by Myers. The papers also cover correspondence between Griswold’s grandchildren and Joy Bayless, author of the...
Dates: 1818-1943

Moses Henry Nathan collection

Identifier: Mss 1071
Collection Overview This collection consists of information on Moses Henry Nathan (1821-1875) together with photocopied annual reports of the City of Charleston Fire Department, 1859-1861, 1866-1872 which were delivered to the Charleston Board of Fire Masters. The original annual reports are bound into a volume titled on the spine "Annual reports of the Chief of the Fire Department of Charleston, 1859-1872" and impressed on the front cover "M.H. Nathan." The collection also includes a photograph of Chief M.H....
Dates: 1855, 2002, 2009, undated

National Council of Jewish Women Charleston Section records

Identifier: Mss 1038

The collection consists of the records of the Charleston Section of the National Council of Jewish Women. A substantial portion of the collection documents the Charleston Section's fundraising activities, charitable and educational programs, membership events, and 100th anniversary celebration through photographs, printed matter, newspaper clippings, and other materials. Also included are materials documenting its administrative and financial activities and early history.

Dates: 1906-2018

Janusz Nedzi prints

Identifier: Mss 0034-169
Collection Overview

The prints in this collection were made from pen and ink drawings of St. Philip's Church and the French Huguenot Church in Charleston, S.C. The view of Church Street shows the French Huguenot Church and St. Philip's Church. All prints were completed in 1991 and are numbered 10 out of 50.

Dates: 1991

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  • Repository: Special Collections X
  • Subject: Charleston (S.C.) X

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Additional filters:

correspondence 55
Charleston (S.C.) 51
clippings (information artifacts) 46
black-and-white photographs 34
scrapbooks 24
color photographs 21
Charleston (S.C.) -- History 17
minutes (administrative records) 15
photographs 15
certificates 13
financial records 13
photograph albums 13
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston 11
programs (documents) 10
genealogical tables 9
South Carolina -- History 8
compact discs 8
diaries 8
newsletters 8
typescripts 8
videocassettes 8
Charleston (S.C.) -- Social life and customs 7
manuscripts (documents) 7
pamphlets 7
photocopies 7
audiocassettes 6
letters (correspondence) 6
personal correspondence 6
publications (documents) 6
Charleston (S.C.) -- Commerce 5
DVDs 5
South Carolina -- History -- 1865- 5
ledgers (account books) 5
membership lists 5
notes (documents) 5
posters 5
Charleston (S.C.) -- Pictorial works 4
Cold War 4
Jewish families -- South Carolina -- Charleston 4
Jewish women -- South Carolina -- Charleston 4
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 4
South Carolina -- Politics and government -- 20th century 4
Speeches 4
administrative records 4
black-and-white negatives 4
color slides 4
daguerreotypes (photographs) 4
fliers (printed matter) 4
floppy disks 4
magazines (periodicals) 4
postcards 4
research notes 4
sketchbooks 4
speeches (documents) 4
Charities -- South Carolina -- Charleston 3
Charleston (S.C.) -- Biography 3
Charleston (S.C.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 3
Charleston (S.C.) -- Genealogy 3
Fraternal organizations -- South Carolina -- Charleston 3
Gay artists -- United States 3
Gay rights -- South Carolina 3
Jewish families -- South Carolina 3
Jewish merchants -- South Carolina -- Charleston 3
Jewish merchants -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 3
News and courier (Charleston, S.C. : Daily) 3
North Charleston (S.C.) 3
United States -- Armed Forces 3
United States -- Politics and government -- 20th century 3
World politics -- 1945-1989 3
account books 3
articles 3
artifacts (object genre) 3
awards 3
booklets 3
born digital 3
broadsides (notices) 3
brochures 3
bylaws (administrative records) 3
cabinet photographs 3
cashbooks 3
congressional committee records 3
constitutions 3
drawings (visual works) 3
family papers 3
genealogies (histories) 3
interviews 3
journals (accounts) 3
legal documents 3
legislative records 3
manuscripts for publication 3
maps (documents) 3
memorandums 3
negatives (photographs) 3
notebooks 3
organization files 3
pennants 3
periodicals 3
prints (visual works) 3
questionnaires 3
receipts (financial records) 3
College of Charleston 7
Alliance for Full Acceptance 4
Charleston Naval Shipyard 4
Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, S.C.) 4
United States. Works Progress Administration 4
Addlestone Hebrew Academy (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Brith Sholom Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Karesh, Rosalyn Furchgott 3
Rivers, L. Mendel (Lucius Mendel), 1905-1970 3
United States. Congress. House 3
We Are Family (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Anderson, Dorothy Middleton 2
Bennett, John, 1865-1956 2
Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina 2
Cohen family 2
Confederate Home and College (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Easterby, J. H. (James Harold), 1898-1960 2
Eastman, Margaret Middleton Rivers 2
Grice, George Daniel, 1900-1977 2
Harby family 2
Hirsch family 2
Hirsch, Mordenai Raisin 2
I.M. Pearlstine & Sons (S.C.) 2
Jewish Community Center (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Ketner, Linda 2
Lathan, Robert, 1881-1937 2
Levy family 2
Lowcountry AIDS Services 2
Medical University of South Carolina 2
Mendelssohn family 2
Moses family 2
National Council of Jewish Women. Charleston Section 2
National Jewish Welfare Board 2
Raisin family 2
Raisin, Jane Lazarus, 1887-1965 2
Raisin, Rachel M. 2
Rivers, Lucius Mendel, Jr. 2
Rivers, Margaret Middleton 2
Shulman, Nat, 1914-2000 2
Simons, Albert, 1890-1980 2
Smith family 2
Smith, Charlie 2
St. Philip's Church (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Stern, Theodore Sanders 2
Synagogue Emanu-El (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Synagogue Emanu-El (Charleston, S.C.). Sisterhood 2
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services 2
United States. Navy 2
Aberman, Mary Ann, 1935- 1
Academy of Music (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Adams, George Alexander, 1887-1984 1
Adams, George Smith, 1923-2018 1
Adams, Theodora Elizabeth Smith, 1888-1983 1
Aiken, William Martin, 1855-1908 1
Aimar, G. W. 1
Aleph Zadik Aleph 1
Aleph Zadik Aleph. Charleston Chapter 1
Alexander, M. Bishop 1
Allen, Hervey, 1889-1949 1
Alston family 1
Alterman, Jennet Robinson 1
Alterman, Marsha 1
Alwyn's Department Store (Georgetown, S.C.) 1
American Views 1
Archambault, Sandra, 1944-2022 1
Ashley Theater (West Ashley, S.C.) 1
B'nai B'rith Girls. Charleston Chapter No. 1134 1
B'nai B'rith Girls. Charleston Chapter No. 1541 1
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization 1
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization. District No. 5 1
B-52's (Musical group) 1
Bailey family 1
Baker family 1
Baker, Barry 1
Baker, Louis, 1909-1955 1
Bank of Charleston 1
Bank of Liverpool 1
Bank of the United States (1791-1811) 1
Bank of the United States (1816-1836) 1
Banov (Family : Banov, Leon, Jr., 1914-2007) 1
Banov family 1
Banov, Alan 1
Banov, Leon, Jr., 1914-2007 1
Banov, Rita Landesman, 1920-2002 1
Barnwell family 1
Barnwell, Catherine Osborn, 1809-1886 1
Barnwell, William Hazzard, 1806-1863 1
Bass family 1
Bayless, Joy 1
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827 1
Belloc, Hilaire, 1870-1953 1
Bennett, Susan Smythe, 1878-1965 1
Berendt family 1
Berendt, Anna Gelson, 1913-2001 1
Berendt, Benjamin, 1912-2010 1
Berendt, Gerald E. 1
Bergen, Jane B. 1
Berlinsky, Jaclyn 1
Berrigan, Daniel 1