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Brown Fellowship Society records

Identifier: AMN 1005

Collection Overview

The collection consists of organizational materials of the Brown Fellowship Society, including a corrected copy of Charles H. Holloway's Rules and Regulations of the Brown Fellowship Society as founded in 1794, but not published until 1844. Minute books detail the activities of monthly meetings from 1869 to 1911. Also included are minutes of meetings between 1913 and 1916. Topics include maintenance of the graveyard, attendance, elections, and discussions of aid to members and descendants, with many mentions of Holloway, DeReef, Sasportas, and Bonneau families. Many memorial pages dedicated to deceased members are part of the records. Loose correspondence relates to cemetery and building maintenance, some financial affairs, and membership details. Also includes a 1904 pictorial broadside and a 1990 program regarding the group's 200th anniversary.

The Brown Fellowship Society Papers have been microfilmed and researchers should use the microfilm version.


  • Creation: 1794-1990


Access Restrictions

No restrictions.

Copyright Notice

The nature of the Avery Research Center's archival holdings means that copyright or other information about restrictions may be difficult or even impossible to determine despite reasonable efforts. The Avery Research Center claims only physical ownership of most archival materials.

The materials from our collections are made available for use in research, teaching, and private study, pursuant to U.S. copyright law. The user must assume full responsibility for any use of the materials, including but not limited to, infringement of copyright and publication rights of reproduced materials. Any materials used for academic research or otherwise should be fully credited with the source.

Historical Note

The Brown Fellowship Society was a benevolent society of free African-American and racially mixed men, affiliated with the St. Philip's Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. The organization was founded in 1790 to benefit widows and orphans of members, provide burial spots in the cemetery it owned, and to provide other member services.

The name of the organization was changed to the Century Fellowship in 1893. Although no regular meeting minutes are present after 1916, the Society continued to exist and conducted limited business.

In 1990, the Society commemorated its 200th anniversary.


0.75 linear feet (2 archival boxes)

Language of Materials


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The Brown Fellowship Society was a benevolent society of free African-American and racially mixed men, affiliated with St. Philip's Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

The collection consists of organizational materials of the Brown Fellowship Society, including a corrected copy of Charles H. Holloway's Rules and Regulations of the Brown Fellowship Society as founded in 1794, but not published until 1844. Minute books detail the activities of monthly meetings from 1869 to 1911. Also included are minutes of meetings between 1913 and 1916. Topics include maintenance of the graveyard, attendance, elections, and discussions of aid to members and descendants, with many mentions of Holloway, DeReef, Sasportas, and Bonneau families. Many memorial pages dedicated to deceased members are part of the records. Loose correspondence relates to cemetery and building maintenance, some financial affairs, and membership details. Also includes a 1904 pictorial broadside and a 1990 program regarding the group's 200th anniversary.

Collection Arrangement

1. Organizational Materials, 1844-1916

2. Loose Papers, 1794-1990

Processing Information

Processed by Ramon Jackson, August 2005

Encoded by Melissa Bronheim, July 2010

Edited by Melissa Bronheim, July 2010, and Amanda Ross, February 2011

Funding from the Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation supported the processing of this collection.

Funding from the Council on Library and Information Resources supported the encoding of this finding aid.

Inventory of the Brown Fellowship Society Records, 1794 - 1990 AMN 1005
Finding aid prepared by Processed by: Ramon Jackson; machine-readable finding aid created by: Melissa Bronheim
Description rules
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Language of description note
Description is in English
Funding from the Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation and the Council on Library and Information Resources supported the collection processing and encoding of this finding aid.

Repository Details

Part of the Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture Repository

125 Bull Street
Charleston South Carolina 29424 United States