Box JHC Videocassette Box 1
Contains 16 Results:
Interview with Samuel Klasner, undated
Copy of the Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation's interview of Prevost's friend Samuel Klasner (1917-2001). Klasner was born in Wolbrom, Poland, and survived the war years as a result of Oskar Schindler's intervention. Also included is a color photograph of Klasner.
The Real Albert Goering , 1998
Two copies of a BBC documentary about Albert Goering, brother of Hermann Goering, who used his influence to assist Jews during Nazi rule. Goering helped Albert Benbassat and his family travel through Italy in 1942.
WYFF interview, 1998
Videocassette recording of a short television interview with Freilich and American liberator Paul Bridges commemorating Kristallnacht. Both men had settled in Greenville, South Carolina, where the interview aired on WYFF.
Videocassette, 1991
Interview with Gosschalk recorded for South Carolina Voices: lessons from the Holocaust on August 29, 1991. Gosschalk discusses his experience as a Jew in Holland before World War II and his involvement in the resistance movement after the German occupation.
SCETV interview with Francine Taylor, 1991
Interview with Francine Taylor about her life as a Jew in occupied France during World War II. She discusses the German occupation, her flight to Vichy France, and her eventual return to occupied France under an assumed name with false identification papers. She also discusses life in France after liberation by the Allies.
"The Memories of Francine Taylor", 1996
Interview with Francine Taylor for the Shoah Foundation Institute, touching upon topics mentioned in 1065-010-v01.
Yom Hashoah Candlelight Memorial March and Remembrance Service, 1998
Video of the Charleston Jewish Federation's 1998 memorial march from Marion Square to the Sottile Theater, followed by a Holocaust remembrance service which includes presentations by Francine Taylor; Pincus Kolender; Anita Zucker; Sam Greene; Dientje Kalisky; Joe Engel; Vera Semel; Charles Markowitz; Paula Popowski; and others.
South Carolina State Museum presentation, undated
Presentation given at the South Carolina State Museum by Francine Taylor. This videocassette has no audio.
Conference video recording
Held at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.
The Real Albert Goering , 1998
The collection consists of a photograph album, memoir, passports, and other papers of Jacques Benbassat, a native of Austria who immigrated to the United States in 1949. Materials mostly relate to the Feuerstein family, including identification cards used by Adela Feuerstein, his maternal grandmother, and photographs of Feuerstein family members traveling in Austria and Poland before 1938, when they fled Austria in fear of Nazi persecution.