Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 29
Harriet McBryde Johnson papers
Linda G. Ketner papers
Leon H. Keyserling papers
Krasnoff family photographs
Photographs and audiovisual material of the Krasnoff family of Bishopville, South Carolina. Materials relate mostly to Sollie and Leo Krasnoff, sons of Meyer Krasnoff, the proprietor of a general store on Main Street in Bishopville.
Bret Lott papers
Papers of author and College of Charleston Professor of English, Bret Lott. Papers include manuscripts, reviews by and about Lott, memorabilia and souvenirs, publishing contracts and other legal documentation, teaching and early writing career materials, promotional materials, audiovisual materials, and a Brother Deluxe 750TR typewriter.
William Vincent Moore papers
Nuremberg prosecutors conference videocassettes
The collection consists of 12 videocassettes from a September 1997 conference of U.S. prosecutors from the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, hosted by the Shoftim Society and the University of South Carolina School of Law in Columbia, South Carolina. Included are three audio CDs of the 1998 radio program Nuremberg Revisited presented by South Carolina ETV, which includes excerpts from the conference.
Mike Prayzer papers
The collection consists of newspaper clippings and a videotaped interview of Mike Prayzer, a Jewish native of Bendzin, Poland, who survived imprisonment in ten concentration camps, including Auschwitz and Dachau. Prayzer immigrated to the United States in 1949.
Katherine Goldstein Prevost papers
The collection consists of copy negatives and slides, memoirs, clippings, and other papers of Katherine Goldstein Prevost, a native of Budapest, Hungary, who was imprisoned in Kaufering, a subcamp of Dachau, during World War II. Included is a memoir written by Prevost's friend Ferike Csato and a videocassette interview of Samuel Klasner, another friend, all Holocaust survivors.