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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 294

Sigmund Abeles papers

Identifier: Mss 1164

The papers of figurative artist and educator Sigmund Abeles include biographical information, correspondence, and information about his art career.

Dates: 1900-2023; Majority of material found within 1980-2017

George Smith Adams papers

Identifier: Mss 0174

Mainly George Smith Adams' genealogical research documenting his father George Alexander Adams (1887-1984), mother Theodora Elizabeth Smith Adams (1888-1983), grandfather Daniel Townsend Smith (1842-1929) with data on the Washington Artillery, and great grandfather Thomas Peter Smith (1814-1899). Also included are materials relating to his extended family and their surrounding areas, especially the Townsend family, Medway Plantation, Edisto Island, Charleston, South Carolina.

Dates: 1826-2010; Majority of material found within 1925-1999

Nathan S. Addlestone papers

Identifier: Mss 1127

Scrapbooks, yearbooks, clippings, programs, newsletters, and reports pertaining to Nathan Addlestone, a Charleston businessman who founded several scrap metal businesses, including Steelmet, Incorporated and Addlestone International Corporation. He was also very active in philanthropy, particularly pertaining to education.

Dates: circa 1910-2009

Willy Adler papers

Identifier: Mss 1065-028

The collection consists of correspondence, certificates, and other papers of Willy Adler (1920-), a native of Hamburg, Germany, who immigrated to the United States in 1939. Materials document Nazi persecution of the Adler family.

Dates: 1913-1938, 1982-2010

William G. Albergotti research papers

Identifier: Mss 0223
Collection Overview

The collection contains Albergotti’s research materials relating to the Fripp family, the Brick House ruins on Edisto Island, S.C., and the Sheldon Church vestry and pew holders. Research materials include correspondence, research notes, manuscript drafts, maps, photographs, negatives, a compact disc, a USB drive, and photocopies of research materials.

Dates: 1986-2016

Saul Alexander papers

Identifier: Mss 1030
Collection Overview Collection includes bound account and inventory ledgers, cancelled checks, check registers, correspondence, photograph, ephemera, and electrocardiograph chart. Collection contains business records (1914-1925) from The Saul Alexander Dry Goods Store in Summerville, South Carolina. Eleven bound volumes include an account ledger (1914-1919) organized by name of vendor; six inventory ledgers (1915-1925), each lists type of merchandise, quantity in stock, and price; expense ledger (1922-1924)...
Dates: 1914-1937

Theodosia Burr Alston collection

Identifier: Mss 0034-159
Collection Overview

This collection contains items related to Theodosia Burr Alston and includes articles, genealogies, correspondence, photographs, and other miscellaneous and biographical materials.

Dates: 1814, 1861, 1954-1994

William Algernon Alston papers

Identifier: Mss 0034-157
Collection Overview

This collection consists of items related to William Algernon Alston and includes miscellaneous biographical, genealogical, and primary sources.

Dates: 1800s, 1963, 1971, undated

Dora Altman collection

Identifier: Mss 1006
Collection Overview Includes photographs, photocopies, correspondence, address books, autograph books, and ephemera. Collection consists of material related to Dora Altman's immediate family and relatives, including obituaries and family genealogy notes. Also included are a personal autograph book (1920s) and several address and memo pads with notes on family birthdays and death dates. Material of the related Brown family consists of correspondence and publications (1980s-1990s). Collection includes candid...
Dates: approximately 1880-1998

Gertrude Atherton letter

Identifier: Mss 0034-005
Collection Overview

The letter is from Atherton and is addressed to "Miss Baker." It thanks her for articles she had sent to Atherton.

Dates: 1929 April 23

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  • Subject: correspondence X
  • Subject: correspondence X

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Additional filters:

correspondence 248
clippings (information artifacts) 125
photographs 81
black-and-white photographs 63
scrapbooks 50
color photographs 41
letters (correspondence) 40
Charleston (S.C.) 39
certificates 33
financial records 32
photocopies 31
family papers 25
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 23
minutes (administrative records) 22
diaries 21
printed ephemera 21
genealogies (histories) 20
pamphlets 20
programs (documents) 20
DVDs 19
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 19
artifacts (object genre) 19
videocassettes 19
photograph albums 18
compact discs 17
publications (documents) 17
World War, 1939-1945 -- Atrocities 16
audiocassettes 16
newsletters 16
genealogical tables 15
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston 14
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- Correspondence 14
manuscripts for publication 14
articles 13
black-and-white negatives 13
Ephemera 12
manuscripts (documents) 12
memoirs 12
administrative records 11
legal documents 11
obituaries 11
typescripts 11
South Carolina -- History 10
drafts (documents) 10
notes (documents) 10
personal correspondence 10
postcards 10
research notes 10
sketches 10
Jewish merchants -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 9
digital images 9
poems 9
South Carolina -- History -- 1865- 8
awards 8
books 8
color slides 8
daguerreotypes (photographs) 8
diplomas 8
drawings (visual works) 8
files (document groupings) 8
maps (documents) 8
school yearbooks 8
writings (documents) 8
Charleston (S.C.) -- History 7
Photographs 7
Speeches 7
business records 7
essays 7
floppy disks 7
ledgers (account books) 7
magazines (periodicals) 7
military records 7
poetry 7
slides (photographs) 7
speeches (documents) 7
Jewish families -- South Carolina 6
Jewish families -- South Carolina -- Charleston 6
Jewish families -- South Carolina -- Genealogy 6
Jewish women -- South Carolina -- Charleston 6
South Carolina -- History -- 1775-1865 6
World War, 1939-1945 -- Participation, Jewish 6
cabinet photographs 6
contracts 6
fliers (printed matter) 6
membership lists 6
negatives (photographs) 6
papers (documents) 6
printed materials (object genre) 6
receipts (financial records) 6
school records 6
sketchbooks 6
wills 6
Europe -- Description and travel 5
Jewish families -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 5
Jews -- Social life and customs 5
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- Social life and customs 5
annual reports 5
black-and-white slides 5
booklets 5
brochures 5
Deas, Alston, 1893-1985 19
College of Charleston 17
Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, S.C.) 10
Alston family 5
Avery Normal Institute 5
Charleston Naval Shipyard 5
Jewish Community Center (Charleston, S.C.) 5
Levy family 5
Moses family 5
Alliance for Full Acceptance 4
Brith Sholom (Charleston, S.C.) 4
Brith Sholom Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) 4
Deas family 4
Finley family 4
Hirsch, Mordenai Raisin 4
Shulman, Nat, 1914-2000 4
Synagogue Emanu-El (Charleston, S.C.) 4
United States. Congress. House 4
Weinberg family 4
Addlestone Hebrew Academy (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Aleph Zadik Aleph 3
Aleph Zadik Aleph. Charleston Chapter 3
Alterman, Jennet Robinson 3
Auschwitz (Concentration camp) 3
Banov family 3
Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Blamyer family 3
Blamyre family 3
Congregation Sinai (Sumter, S.C.) 3
Dock Street Theatre (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Dulaney, W. Marvin, 1950- 3
Footlight Players (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Freemasons 3
I.M. Pearlstine & Sons (S.C.) 3
Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America. Samuel D. Turtletaub Post 237 (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Keyserling, Harriet, 1922-2010 3
Keyserling, Leon H. (Leon Hirsch), 1908-1987 3
Moïse family 3
Pogson family 3
Raisin, Jacob S. (Jacob Salmon), 1878-1946 3
Raisin, Rachel M. 3
Rivers, L. Mendel (Lucius Mendel), 1905-1970 3
Robinson family 3
Southern Jewish Historical Society (U.S.) 3
Tobias, Thomas J. 3
Abell family 2
Altman family 2
Anderson, Dorothy Middleton 2
B'nai B'rith 2
B'nai B'rith. Anti-defamation League 2
B'nai B'rith. Dan Lodge, No. 593 2
Bachman, John, 1790-1874 2
Bishop England High School (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Brown family 2
Buchenwald (Concentration camp) 2
Butwin, Frances 2
Butwin, Joseph (Joseph Mazo), 1943- 2
Butwin, Julius, -1945 2
Byrd, George A. 2
Byrd, Pierrine Smith, 1899-1994 2
Charleston Hebrew Institute (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Charleston Jewish Welfare Fund 2
Charleston Trident Chamber of Commerce 2
Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina 2
Clemson University 2
Coastal Community Foundation 2
Cohen family 2
College of Charleston. Alumni Association 2
Confederate States of America. Army 2
Courtenay, William Ashmead, 1831-1908 2
D'Ancona family 2
Democratic Party (Charleston County, S.C.) 2
Drayton family 2
Easterby, J. H. (James Harold), 1898-1960 2
Eastman, Margaret Middleton Rivers 2
Edward's, Inc. (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Fuller, R. Buckminster (Richard Buckminster), 1895-1983 2
Garfinkel family 2
Grass Roots League, Inc. 2
Greenhill, Marsha Silver 2
Halsey McCallum Resources 2
Halsey, William, 1915-1999 2
Harby family 2
Harby, Lee Cohen, 1849-1918 2
Harleston family 2
Harris, Lancelot Minor, 1868-1941 2
Hirsch family 2
Jenkins Orphanage Institute (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Jenkins' Orphanage Band 2
Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina 2
Keyserling family 2
Keyserling, Herbert, 1915-2000 2
Keyserling, Jennie Hyman, 1881-1935 2
Keyserling, William 2
Keyserling, William, 1869-1951 2
Kligman, Melton, 1929-2013 2
Kronsberg family 2
Kronsberg, Macey, 1911-2001 2
Ku Klux Klan (1915- ) 2
Lathan, Robert, 1881-1937 2