Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 77
Dientje Krant Kalisky Adkins photographs
Pre- and post-World War II photographs of Dientje Krant Kalisky Adkins, a Dutch Jew born in 1938 in Bussum, Netherlands, who, as a child, was hidden during World War II. Photographs show Krant and her family and friends in the Netherlands, including her grandparents, parents, and other family members.
Robert C. Aldredge Christmas cards
The collection consists of cards which Aldredge printed by hand and had professionally printed. Some of the cards have handwritten notes. A couple of the cards mention World War II, but most are simple holiday greetings. The cards cover the period from 1933 to 1945.
Claude C. Barnes Buchenwald atrocity photographs
5 black and white photographs taken after the liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp by Corporal Claude C. Barnes.
Martha Mondschein Bauer papers
Correspondence, photographs, and memoirs of Martha Mondschein Bauer, a Jewish nurse who escaped Germany by becoming a volunteer nurse in England and the Dominican Republic. Included is correspondence regarding her brother and her husband's parents, photographs of Mondschein's and Bauer's family members, and her husband Felix Bauer's memoir.
Minnie Tewel Baum papers
The collection consists of letters, telegrams, and other papers relating to Minnie Tewel Baum's unsuccessful efforts to aid her cousin, Malie Landsmann, and her family, in escaping Nazi Germany. Included is a photograph of Malie Landsmann, her husband, Chaim, and their daughters, Ida and Peppi.
Jacques Benbassat papers
The collection consists of a photograph album, memoir, passports, and other papers of Jacques Benbassat, a native of Austria who immigrated to the United States in 1949. Materials mostly relate to the Feuerstein family, including identification cards used by Adela Feuerstein, his maternal grandmother, and photographs of Feuerstein family members traveling in Austria and Poland before 1938, when they fled Austria in fear of Nazi persecution.
Berlijn family papers
The collection consists of a photograph album, memoir, and other papers relating to the Berlijn family, including Nico Berlijn and his parents, Johanna Spielmann and Abraham "Bram" Berlijn, Dutch Jews who survived World War II in hiding in the Netherlands. Also includes a Star of David badge issued to Johanna Spielmann Berlijn.
Harry Blas and Erika Stockfleth Blas papers
The collection consists mainly of copy negatives, slides, and digital images of pre-World War II photographs of the families of Harry Blas, born in Łódź, Poland, and Erika Stockfleth Blas, born in Grevesmühlen, Germany. Also included is a short memoir by Harry Blas detailing his experiences in the Łódź ghetto and Auschwitz concentration camp, and a handwritten genealogy of the Stockfleth family by Erika Blas.
Bloom family papers
Photographs, scrapbooks, correspondence, clippings, school records, and other materials relating to the Bloom family of Greenville, South Carolina. The majority of records document the education, military service, and community involvement of Jack Bloom, with a smaller quantity of materials pertaining to his parents, Julius and Jennie Shatenstein Bloom, and his wife, Lillian Chernoff Bloom, as well as items relating to the Chernoff, Cohen, and Shatenstein families.