Box 1
Contains 26 Results:
Thomas S. Grimke (?) autograph collection, 1779-1831, undated
Thomas S. Grimke (?) autograph collection, undated
Thomas S. Grimke (?) autograph collection, 1756-1825, undated
Elizabeth Caroline Grimke letter, 1834
Letter to her sisters Angelina Grimke and Mrs. Anna Rutledge Grimke Frost re the death of their brother Thomas Smith Grimke, and the impact it had on his widow (?) and a family member named John. With other family information.
Frederick Grimke correspondence, 1819-1863
Sarah Moore Grimke correspondence, 1819-1820
Letter of Sarah Moore Grimke to her brother Thomas Smith Grimke re the death of their father, John F. Grimke; with a letter to her re the erection, inspection and payment for a tombstone memorial to John F. Grimke; and letter to her in Wilmington, North Carolina, from Charles Wharton responding to her request for information about her father with references to their friends in common. With typed transcripts.
Angelina Grimke Weld and daughter Sarah Weld Hamilton letters, 1873-1874
John Paul Grimke letters, 1779-1782
Typed transcripts of letters (1779) of John Paul Grimke in Charleston to his son John F. Grimke re military matters and the sending of supplies to his son on the battlefield; with other typed transcripts of letters (1782) of John Paul Grimke to the British occupiers of the city of Charleston re the notification demanding his removal from town, his complaint re the unpaid billeting of soldiers in his house, soldiers breaking into his house and related matters.
John F. Grimke military notes, circa 1770s
Notes taken by Grimke on military topics from a number of published sources. Topics relate to gunpowder, fuses, cannon, pay for various military ranks, etc. An incomplete bound volume also contains later late 19th century penciled references to volumes from the Grimke family library removed from Charleston to Great Britain. One loose leaf contains notations on the construction of fortifications.