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John F. Grimke correspondence, 1779-1783

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 6

Scope and Contents

Letters (1779) from John. F. Grimke in Purrsyburg, South Carolina and a camp called Three Sisters to his father John Paul Grimke re military operations, the low morale of the soldiers, his thoughts on enlisting men of lower social standing who are more willing to take orders, the defeat of Major John Ashe, deserters, the defense of Charleston by General Benjamin Lincoln, and anxiety over his family in Charleston, with a mention of General William Moultrie. One letter (March 27, 1779) exists only in transcript. With letters of Colonel (Owen) Roberts re payment of troops, descriptions of the dishonorable actions of Major John Ashe (1720-1781) in his defeat in 1779 and other related mostly military topics. A letter (1779) from R. B. Robert complains of the behavior of Capt. Wickly; 1780 materials (with no established relation to Grimke) document the complaint of George Rivers re British seizure of provisions and livestock from his farm on James Island, and a 1782 letter from Grimke to Col. Horry laments the lack of rice to be confiscated due to an earlier unrescinded order not to "beat" rice. And a 1783 letter from Robert Howe in Pennsylvania refers to the coming peace treaty and to many past friends in Carolina. Many of the letters have typed transcripts available.


  • Creation: 1779-1783

Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Materials predominantly in English; one letter in French; one letter in German.

Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research but has some access restrictions. Some items are too fragile to handle and copies must be used. Please consult inventory or contact Special Collections at the College of Charleston Libraries for more information.


From the Collection: 1.6 linear feet (4 document boxes, 3 oversize folders)

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Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections Repository

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