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John F. Grimke correspondence, 1790-1808, undated

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 9

Scope and Contents

A letter (1790) from Ralph Izard invites Grimke to Scheveling Plantation, advises him to avoid Combahee ferry and mentions the pox and children in quarantine, while a 1791 letter to Grimke as past master of Union Killwinning Lodge includes some extracts from minutes and requests his help in a legal matter. A letter (1792) from Thomas Fitzsimmons in Philadelphia regards money owed him. Two lengthy letters (1793) from James Delaire describe conditions on Santo Domingo, which he left in 1793; he comments on different classes, his views of particular leaders of the slave revolt there, and related matters. A 1796 letter from General John Willis encourages Grimke's idea to incorporate to create a canal company to link Lumberton and Wilmington, North Carolina. A 1797 receipt from Heriot and Tucker in Georgetown, South Carolina lists those who purchased Grimke's compilation of the laws of South Carolina and his book on the Trail Justice, with amounts paid; on the reverse are jottings by John F. Grimke's son, Thomas S. Grimke, referring to various pages in a book of legal topics. 1798 materials include a printed circular regarding the Society of the Cincinnati in South Carolina, and a letter re a legal case. An 1802 letter from coroner J. H. Stevens informs Grimke of the death by "want" of his escaped slave Binah, and an 1808 letter from Thomas Waties in Stateburg refers to the printing of a legal opinion and mentions William H. DeSaussure and William Loughton Smith. Also included is a printed circular (1808) re the Military Philosophical Society, printed vouchers (1809) from the Office of Discount and Deposit, Charleston, for payment to John Canter and Mr. Stevens, clerk of the Market, and an undated letter from Judge Lewis Trezevant re a legal case with Grimke's notes on the topic and a receipt (1790) regarding the same case focusing on a James Oliphant. A typescript transcript of Grimke's epitaph completes the file.


  • Creation: 1790-1808, undated

Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Materials predominantly in English; one letter in French; one letter in German.

Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research but has some access restrictions. Some items are too fragile to handle and copies must be used. Please consult inventory or contact Special Collections at the College of Charleston Libraries for more information.


From the Collection: 1.6 linear feet (4 document boxes, 3 oversize folders)

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Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections Repository

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