Showing Collections: 231 - 240 of 294
Samuel D. Turtletaub Post 237 of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States scrapbooks
The collection consists of three scrapbooks compiled by Herbert S. Goldberg and Stanley Cohen that include photographs, clippings, certificates, and correspondence of the Samuel D. Turtletaub Post 237 of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States, Charleston, South Carolina. Materials relate to the activities and community service projects conducted by the Post from 1947 to 1969.
Jenny Sanford papers
Correspondence, scrapbooks, photo albums, artifacts, political ephemera and other materials relating to Jenny Sanford, former First Lady of South Carolina and former wife of politician Mark Sanford. Topics include Mark Sanford's political career, Sanford family life, United States presidential ephemera, the divorce of Jenny and Mark, and Jenny's memoir, Staying True.
Hugo Schiller papers
Correspondence, newspaper clippings, memoirs, and other papers of Hugo Schiller. Materials relate to Schiller's rescue from the Gurs concentration camp in France by Alice Resch Synnestvedt, a Quaker volunteer from Norway; his time at Aspet, the Quaker children's home; and his eventual escape from France to the United States. Correspondence includes letters from his parents and aunt while he was at Aspet, discussing their life in Gurs and advice for Schiller after his rescue.
Robert Schwartz papers
The papers of Robert Schwartz, medical doctor and captain, in the United States Army during World War II. Papers and artifacts reflect his service and activities during the war and as a participant of the liberation of Buchenwald. Included are photographs and a letter documenting the atrocities at Buchenwald concentration camp.
James T. Sears collection
Rabbi Robert A. Seigel papers
The collection includes the professional and personal papers of Rabbi Robert A. Seigel (1938-2016), said to be the South Carolina's first native-born rabbi. Included are rabbinical records, family and career scrapbooks, Sedarot and autobiographical writings, slides, publications from synagogues and organizations Seigel led, and artistic works.
Vera Nathans Semel papers
Judith Shanks and Henry A. Alexander research files
Henry E. Shepherd letter
The letter was written by Henry Shepherd to L. Tracy Walsh of Boston, Massachusetts, on May 30, 1889. In the letter, Shepherd provides Walsh with information regarding American literature and recommends several sources for Walsh to study.