Showing Collections: 281 - 290 of 294
Victory Hostess Organization minutes and annual report
Monthly steering committee minutes and annual report of the Victory Hostess Organization established in Charleston, South Carolina, by Nat Shulman of the National Jewish Welfare Board. Minutes and annual report were recorded by Lenora Stine, Secretary and Chairwoman of the Jewish Welfare Board Entertainment Committee. The Victory Hostess Organization (VHO) was established to host dances and entertainment for Jewish GIs in eastern South Carolina during World War II.
Weinberg and Moses family papers
West Point Rice Mill Company records
Benjamin James Whipper, Sr., papers
Edwina Harleston Whitlock papers
G. Theodore Wichmann papers
Theodore Wichmann (1886-1966) founded the Charleston Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and taught music lessons in Charleston, South Carolina. This collection includes Wichmann's writings on Mozart, Bizet, Rossini, Beethoven, and Ambroise Thomas, printed programs, and business and personal correspondence for the Orchestra and Wichmann's school music lessons.
Wilkinson and Keith family papers
The Wilkinson and Keith family papers consist of correspondence and other documents among the Wilkinson, Keith, Siegling, Haskell, and Marshall families and their friends dating from 1785 to 1920. The bulk of the correspondence dates from 1820 to 1890, a large portion of which chronicles Willis Keith's experiences as a Confederate soldier in 1862-1863.