Showing Collections: 261 - 270 of 294
St. Andrew's Society of Charleston records
This collection includes administrative, financial, and membership records, records of charitable assistance, and other materials of the St. Andrew's Society of Charleston. Records document the social and benevolent activities of the St. Andrew's Society between the years 1729 to 2001.
St. Philip Street "Rewisited" Reunion
Nathaniel W. Stephenson family papers
Theodore Sanders Stern papers
Theodore Sanders Stern presidential records
Gordan B. Stine scrapbooks
St. Mark's Episcopal Church records
Jesse Stuart papers
David Ashby Stuckey bills of sale, receipts, and correspondence
Bills of sale, receipts, and correspondence of David Ashby Stuckey, a cotton farmer from Lee County, South Carolina.
Sumter Society of Israelites cemetery records
Includes two page pamphlet (1945)"Congregation Sinai Sumter Society of Israelites: Cemetery Rules and Regulations"; letter (Sept. 26, 1956) from Herbert A. Moses, Warden of Cemetery, to Mrs. Frank Sindler, re. preparation of deed for cemetery lot no. 85 and payment of dues; invoice (Oct. 4, 1956) re. Mrs. Frank Sindler's $50.00 payment for lot no. 85, Sumter Society of Israelites Cemetery.