Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 110
Benjamin Berendt and Anna Gelson Berendt papers
Writings, newspaper clippings, poetry, plays, publications, correspondence, photographs, and other personal papers of Benjamin Berendt and Anna Gelson Berendt of Charleston, South Carolina. Materials mostly relate to the Berendt and Gelson family histories as well as Benjamin's and Anna's travels. Also included are Aleph Zadik Aleph Chapter 143 publications from the 1950s and 1960s.
Bloom family papers
Photographs, scrapbooks, correspondence, clippings, school records, and other materials relating to the Bloom family of Greenville, South Carolina. The majority of records document the education, military service, and community involvement of Jack Bloom, with a smaller quantity of materials pertaining to his parents, Julius and Jennie Shatenstein Bloom, and his wife, Lillian Chernoff Bloom, as well as items relating to the Chernoff, Cohen, and Shatenstein families.
Breibart family photographs
Buchenwald concentration camp photographs
The collection consists of four photographs of Buchenwald concentration camp taken in April 1945, shortly after its liberation by the U.S. Army.
George Detwiler Burges collection
George Detwiler Burges graduated from the College of Charleston in 1938. He served as a B-17 pilot during World War II and was killed in action in 1944. This collection consists of Burges' personal papers, letters, military records, photographs, newspaper and magazine articles, and military decorations including the Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross.
Frances Mazo and Julius Butwin papers
The papers of Frances Mazo Butwin and Julius Butwin, the first English translators of the works of Yiddish author Sholom Aleichem. The papers include her writings and diaries, their correspondence, family photographs, and copies of their books.
China Hall card photographs and miscellaneous financial and property records
Two black and white card photographs of China Hall and miscellaneous Charleston County financial and property records.
Cohen and Mark family photographs
Collection consists of ten photographs of members of the Cohen and Mark families of Clio, South Carolina. Photographs primarily feature Abe Cohen, his daughter Cecile Cohen Waronker, and his wife Betty Mark Cohen. A small number of images also feature other members of the Cohen and Mark families. Included is a list of detailed captions numbered to correspond to a number on the back of each photograph.
Cohen, Emanuel, Moses, and Seixas family papers
Colman and Blank families papers
The collection consists of professional and personal correspondence, professional materials, photograph albums and photographs, and other assorted papers of the Colman and Blank families of Charleston, South Carolina. Materials relate to Beverly Isabel Colman, a former managing editor for Schocken Books, and her great-great grandmother Rosa Simmons Blank, Rosa's son, Isadore Blank, and Isadore's son, Edwin J. Blank.