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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 36

Willy Adler papers

Identifier: Mss 1065-028

The collection consists of correspondence, certificates, and other papers of Willy Adler (1920-), a native of Hamburg, Germany, who immigrated to the United States in 1939. Materials document Nazi persecution of the Adler family.

Dates: 1913-1938, 1982-2010

Banov and Leopold families papers

Identifier: Mss 1162

Assorted family papers of the Banov and Leopold families. Materials consist of correspondence, postcards (many published by I. Ginsburg), clippings, printed materials including Ladies Benevolent Society Centennial pamphlets, prayer books, artifacts, and other ephemera.

Dates: 1901-2004; Majority of material found within 1929-1979

Jacques Benbassat papers

Identifier: Mss 1065-002

The collection consists of a photograph album, memoir, passports, and other papers of Jacques Benbassat, a native of Austria who immigrated to the United States in 1949. Materials mostly relate to the Feuerstein family, including identification cards used by Adela Feuerstein, his maternal grandmother, and photographs of Feuerstein family members traveling in Austria and Poland before 1938, when they fled Austria in fear of Nazi persecution.

Dates: 1906-1942, 1998

Harris Blumenfeld papers

Identifier: Mss 1113

Contains a wedding anniversary certificate, obituary, Baron Hirsch Congregation centennial booklet, and Hebrew typewriter belonging to the poet Harris Blumenfeld.

Dates: 1917-1964

Solomon Breibart professional papers

Identifier: Mss 1084

Research files, publications, correspondence, and other professional papers of Solomon Breibart, teacher and historian. Materials relate to Breibart's research and publications on the history of Charleston's Jewish population, in particular, the history of the city's oldest Jewish congregation, Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim.

Dates: circa 1965-2008

Brith Sholom Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) congregational records

Identifier: Mss 1068
Abstract The collection consists of the surviving records of Brith Sholom, an orthodox congregation founded in Charleston, South Carolina in 1852, Beth Israel, another orthodox Charleston congregation founded in 1911, and the records of Brith Sholom Beth Israel founded in 1954 when the two congregations merged. Also included are the records of Charleston Hebrew Institute, founded in 1956, and later known as the Addlestone Hebrew Academy. With records of the Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society, the...
Dates: 1888-2012

Sandra Garfinkel and Morton Henry Shapiro papers

Identifier: Mss 1120
Abstract The collection consists of photographs, photograph albums, diaries, scrapbooks, High School of Charleston and university materials, correspondence, travel souvenirs, oral histories, and family interviews of Sandra Garfinkel and Morton Henry Shapiro. The majority of materials document Sandra Garfinkel Shapiro's youth, from her teenage years through her graduation from University of North Carolina in 1957, with the largest portion of the collection consisting of photographs of Sandra and her...
Dates: 1901-2014; Majority of material found within 1935-2002

Goldberg family papers

Identifier: Mss 1051
Abstract Papers of the Goldberg (a.k.a. Gelbart or Geldbart) family of Mogielnica, Poland, and Charleston, South Carolina. The collection includes photographs of family members in Poland and South Carolina; a brief family history; and correspondence (1920s-1930s) between family members in Mogielnica and brothers Gershon (George Goldberg) and Yisroel (Israel Geldbart) in Charleston. Also included are two memorial photograph albums that chronicle Moshe Yidel Gelbart's funeral procession in Mogielnica...
Dates: 1902-1953

Alwyn Goldstein papers

Identifier: Mss 1096

Biographical materials, correspondence, research files, printed materials, photographs, family scrapbooks, and family photograph albums of Alwyn Goldstein of Georgetown, South Carolina. Also included are materials relating to Alwyn’s Department Store and various administrative records of Temple Beth Elohim.

Dates: 1886-2014

David Grabin papers

Identifier: Mss 1065-008

Images, memoir, and newspaper clippings of David Grabin, a Holocaust survivor imprisoned at several camps during World War II. Images include negatives, slides, photocopies, and digital images of family photographs Grabin carried throughout the war. Grabin's memoir details his experience as he was separated from his family and moved from camp to camp, ending at Theresienstadt.

Dates: 1930-1999

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  • Language: Hebrew X

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Additional filters:

correspondence 20
clippings (information artifacts) 18
black-and-white photographs 10
scrapbooks 9
photographs 7
Charleston (S.C.) 6
articles 6
artifacts (object genre) 6
certificates 6
color photographs 6
genealogical tables 6
publications (documents) 6
audiocassettes 5
financial records 5
minutes (administrative records) 5
photocopies 5
photograph albums 5
programs (documents) 5
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 4
Zionism 4
black-and-white negatives 4
newsletters 4
obituaries 4
picture postcards 4
research notes 4
videocassettes 4
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 3
Israel -- Description and travel 3
Jewish authors 3
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston 3
Jews in public life 3
Judaism -- Customs and practices 3
Photographs 3
Rabbis 3
World War, 1939-1945 -- Participation, Jewish 3
autograph albums 3
books 3
diaries 3
genealogies (histories) 3
ketubahs 3
prayer books 3
textiles (visual works) 3
Antisemitism 2
Arab-Israeli conflict 2
Charleston (S.C.) -- Genealogy 2
DVDs 2
Ephemera 2
Jewish art 2
Jewish families -- South Carolina 2
Jewish families -- South Carolina -- Charleston 2
Jewish families -- South Carolina -- Genealogy 2
Jewish families -- South Carolina -- Sumter 2
Jewish journalists 2
Jewish merchants -- South Carolina -- Greenwood 2
Jewish women -- South Carolina 2
Jews -- Social life and customs 2
Jews -- Societies, etc. 2
Jews -- South Carolina 2
Jews -- South Carolina -- Sumter 2
Reform Judaism 2
Sumter (S.C.) 2
World War, 1914-1918 -- Participation, Jewish 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Atrocities 2
business cards 2
color slides 2
compact discs 2
daguerreotypes (photographs) 2
digital images 2
diplomas 2
family papers 2
interviews 2
membership lists 2
memoirs 2
passports 2
personal correspondence 2
postcards 2
sheet music 2
typescripts 2
video recordings (physical artifacts) 2
Abbeville (S.C.) -- Genealogy 1
Africa, North 1
African Americans -- Relations with Jews 1
Atlanta (Ga.) 1
Australia 1
Austria 1
Autographs 1
Beaufort (S.C.) -- Commerce 1
Bible stories 1
Bibles 1
Biology -- Research 1
Black-and-white photography 1
Cantors (Judaism) -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
Charleston County (S.C.) 1
Collectors and collecting 1
Conservative Judaism -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
Czech Republic -- Pictorial works 1
East Asia 1
Europe -- Pictorial works 1
Europe, Central 1
Europe, Eastern 1
Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, S.C.) 7
Addlestone Hebrew Academy (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Brith Sholom (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Brith Sholom Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Hirsch, Mordenai Raisin 2
Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina 2
Levy family 2
Moses family 2
Moïse, Penina 2
Raisin family 2
Raisin, Jacob S. (Jacob Salmon), 1878-1946 2
Raisin, Jane Lazarus, 1887-1965 2
Raisin, Rachel M. 2
Rosenberg family 2
Rosenberg, Abraham, 1859-1920 2
Rosenthall, Irene O. 2
Rosenthall, William A. 2
Winstock family 2
Adler, Willy Moritz, 1920-2013 1
Aleph Zadik Aleph 1
Alexander, Henry A. (Henry Aaron), 1874-1967 1
Alexander, Rebecca Ella Solomons, 1854-1938 1
Alwyn's Department Store (Georgetown, S.C.) 1
Banov (Family : Charleston, S.C.) 1
Banov family 1
Baron Hirsch Congregation (Memphis, Tenn.) 1
Bass family 1
Benbassat family 1
Benbassat, Dan 1
Benbassat, Jacques, 1929-2010 1
Berle, Helen Laufer Dwork, 1923- 1
Beth Elohim (Georgetown, S.C.) 1
Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Blumenfeld, Harris, 1861-1953 1
Blumenfeld, Harry B. 1
Breibart, Sara 1
Breibart, Solomon 1
Brith Sholom Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.). Sisterhood 1
Brody, Sherna Simonhoff 1
Charleston Hebrew Institute (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Chase, Leah 1
Cohen family 1
Coming Street Cemetery (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Congregation Sinai (Sumter, S.C.) 1
Cremer, Sylvia Blumenfeld Friedman 1
D'Ancona family 1
De La Motta family 1
De Lyon family 1
Edward's, Inc. (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Elias, Rebecca, 1839-1896 1
Feuerstein family 1
Feuerstein, Adela 1
Freemasons 1
Garfinkel family 1
Gelbart family 1
Gelbart, Moshe Yidel, 1897-1935 1
Geldbart family 1
Geldbart, Israel 1
Geldbart, Ralph G., 1924-2011 1
Gershwin, George, 1898-1937 1
Goldberg family 1
Goldberg, Charles S. 1
Goldberg, George, 1906-1978 1
Goldberg, Harriet L. 1
Goldstein family 1
Goldstein, Alwyn, 1915-2010 1
Goldwater family 1
Grabin, David, 1919-2004 1
Greenhill, Marsha Silver 1
Greenspon, Roz G. 1
Gross-Brein, Evelyn Rosenberg 1
Gruber, Mayer I. (Mayer Irwin) 1
Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America 1
Harby family 1
Hart family 1
Hebrew Union College 1
Heyward, DuBose, 1885-1940 1
Hirsch (Family : Charleston, S.C.) 1
Hirsch family 1
Hirsch, Isaac Willard, 1844-1925 1
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union 1
Israel family 1
Jacobs family 1
Jacobs, Ruth Bass, 1923-2007 1
Joseph, Charlotte, 1803-1883 1
Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, S.C.) Brotherhood 1
Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, S.C.). Sisterhood 1
Kronsberg family 1
Kronsberg, Adele Jules, 1909-2002 1
Kronsberg, Macey, 1911-2001 1
Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Laufer (Family : Charleston, S.C.) 1
Laufer family 1
Laufer's Kosher Restaurant (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Laufer, Tillie Hufeizen 1
Lazar family 1
Lazarus (Family : Charleston, S.C.) 1
Leopold (Family : Charleston, S.C.) 1
Leopold family 1
Levi, Kathryn Weinberg 1