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Showing Collections: 161 - 168 of 168

Reeves van Hettinga papers

Identifier: Mss 0210
Abstract Papers of Reeves van Hettinga, French-style chef and trompe l’oeil artist from 1860 to 2018. He spent most of his adult life in New York City before retiring to Charleston, South Carolina. The collection includes biographical materials, art, professional papers and photographs and genealogical materials documenting the van Hettinga and Jones families. There are also materials relating to his brother William, artist and founder of the Charleston newspaper Poor...
Dates: 1860-2018

Weinberg and Moses family papers

Identifier: Mss 1135
Abstract Photographs, letters, and clippings relating to the Weinberg and Moses families of Manning, South Carolina. The majority of the collection consists of photographs, primarily of the Weinberg family, in particular Flora Moses Weinberg and two of her children, Jacob Albert Weinberg Jr. and Rosalie Virginia Weinberg, and also includes a number of images featuring other members of the extended family. It also contains letters from Andrew Jackson Moses, Perry Moses, and Perry Moses Jr. to various...
Dates: 1838-2013

Edwina Harleston Whitlock papers

Identifier: AMN 1120
Abstract Edwina Augusta Harleston Whitlock was born Gussie Louise Harleston on September 28, 1916 in Charleston, South Carolina, to Robert Othello Harleston and his wife, Marie Isabelle Forrest. She was raised by her uncle, Edwin Augustus Teddy Harleston and his wife Elise Forrest after it was discovered that Whitlock's parents had tuberculosis. Whitlock attended the Avery Normal Institute in Charleston, South Carolina, and Talladega College in Talladega, Alabama, where she...
Dates: 1918-2006

G. Theodore Wichmann papers

Identifier: Mss 0075

Theodore Wichmann (1886-1966) founded the Charleston Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and taught music lessons in Charleston, South Carolina. This collection includes Wichmann's writings on Mozart, Bizet, Rossini, Beethoven, and Ambroise Thomas, printed programs, and business and personal correspondence for the Orchestra and Wichmann's school music lessons.

Dates: 1904-1966

Williams family papers

Identifier: Mss 1017
Abstract The majority of the collection consists of materials related to two memoirs written by Arthur V. Williams, Tales of Charleston 1930s, describing his childhood growing up in Charleston in the 1930s, and Tales of Clemson 1936-1940, on his four years at Clemson University prior to World War II. The collection also contains photographs of the Williams family of Charleston, South Carolina, primarily featuring Arthur V. Williams...
Dates: 1882-2004; Majority of material found within 1936-2004

Winstock, Rosenberg, and Visanska family papers

Identifier: Mss 1122
Abstract Photographs, certificates, genealogical research, and clippings of the Winstock, Rosenberg, and Visanska families. The majority of the collection consists of photographs of the Winstock, Rosenberg, and Visanska families, their homes and businesses. Materials relate primarily to Moses Winstock, a merchant and plantation owner, and to Abraham Rosenberg and his son, Ernest Rosenberg, who were both merchants. Also included are clippings, correspondence, and genealogical research materials...
Dates: 1881-2009; Majority of material found within 1885-1950

Wyrick and Company records

Identifier: Mss 0228

Assorted materials including publisher files, office files, author correspondence files, publishing and production files, layout and design materials, and other records of the Charleston, South Carolina-based publisher Wyrick and Company Publishers.

Dates: 1971-2016

John A. Zeigler, Jr. papers

Identifier: Mss 0125
Abstract The papers contain writings, biographical materials, correspondence, and photographs documenting the life of John Asbury Zeigler, Jr., poet, music philanthropist, and co-owner of the Book Basement bookstore in Charleston, S.C. Materials relate to Zeigler’s education at the Citadel, and his service in the U.S. Navy during World War II in Yakutat, Alaska. The papers also cover Zeigler’s relationship with Edwin Peacock, their friendship with lithographer Prentiss Taylor and his partner Roderick...
Dates: 1755-2015

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  • Subject: photographs X
  • Subject: correspondence X
  • Subject: correspondence X

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Special Collections 164
Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture 4
correspondence 146
clippings (information artifacts) 96
photographs 81
black-and-white photographs 63
scrapbooks 47
∨ more
color photographs 41
certificates 30
Charleston (S.C.) 29
financial records 23
family papers 22
photocopies 22
letters (correspondence) 19
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 18
printed ephemera 18
photograph albums 17
artifacts (object genre) 16
diaries 16
videocassettes 16
genealogies (histories) 15
DVDs 14
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- Correspondence 14
pamphlets 14
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston 13
audiocassettes 13
compact discs 13
black-and-white negatives 12
genealogical tables 12
minutes (administrative records) 12
programs (documents) 12
publications (documents) 12
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 11
articles 11
manuscripts for publication 11
newsletters 11
Ephemera 10
World War, 1939-1945 -- Atrocities 10
Jewish merchants -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 9
postcards 9
sketches 9
typescripts 9
administrative records 8
daguerreotypes (photographs) 8
diplomas 8
drawings (visual works) 8
personal correspondence 8
research notes 8
Photographs 7
awards 7
color slides 7
files (document groupings) 7
magazines (periodicals) 7
manuscripts (documents) 7
school yearbooks 7
slides (photographs) 7
writings (documents) 7
Jewish families -- South Carolina 6
World War, 1939-1945 -- Participation, Jewish 6
books 6
cabinet photographs 6
drafts (documents) 6
legal documents 6
maps (documents) 6
military records 6
negatives (photographs) 6
notes (documents) 6
obituaries 6
Jewish families -- South Carolina -- Charleston 5
Jewish families -- South Carolina -- Genealogy 5
Jewish women -- South Carolina -- Charleston 5
South Carolina -- History -- 1865- 5
Speeches 5
business records 5
digital images 5
marriage certificates 5
medals 5
papers (documents) 5
printed materials (object genre) 5
school records 5
sketchbooks 5
tintypes (photographs) 5
Jewish families -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 4
Jews -- Social life and customs 4
World War, 1914-1918 -- Participation, Jewish 4
Zionism 4
account books 4
black-and-white slides 4
contracts 4
exhibition catalogs 4
floppy disks 4
identity cards 4
memoirs 4
notebooks 4
poetry 4
watercolors (paintings) 4
Biology -- Research 3
Charleston (S.C.) -- Biography 3
Charleston (S.C.) -- Genealogy 3
Charleston (S.C.) -- History 3
Cold War 3
Conservative Judaism -- South Carolina -- Charleston 3
+ ∧ less
Hebrew 17
German 13
Yiddish 13
French 5
Dutch; Flemish 4
∨ more  
Deas, Alston, 1893-1985 9
Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, S.C.) 8
College of Charleston 6
Levy family 5
Moses family 5
∨ more
Alston family 4
Charleston Naval Shipyard 4
Hirsch, Mordenai Raisin 4
Jewish Community Center (Charleston, S.C.) 4
Addlestone Hebrew Academy (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Alterman, Jennet Robinson 3
Brith Sholom Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Deas family 3
Dock Street Theatre (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Footlight Players (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Freemasons 3
I.M. Pearlstine & Sons (S.C.) 3
Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America. Samuel D. Turtletaub Post 237 (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Keyserling, Harriet, 1922-2010 3
Keyserling, Leon H. (Leon Hirsch), 1908-1987 3
Raisin, Rachel M. 3
Synagogue Emanu-El (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Weinberg family 3
Aleph Zadik Aleph 2
Alliance for Full Acceptance 2
Altman family 2
Anderson, Dorothy Middleton 2
Auschwitz (Concentration camp) 2
Avery Normal Institute 2
B'nai B'rith. Anti-defamation League 2
Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Brith Sholom (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Brown family 2
Buchenwald (Concentration camp) 2
Charleston Trident Chamber of Commerce 2
Clemson University 2
Cohen family 2
College of Charleston. Alumni Association 2
Congregation Sinai (Sumter, S.C.) 2
D'Ancona family 2
Eastman, Margaret Middleton Rivers 2
Edward's, Inc. (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Garfinkel family 2
Greenhill, Marsha Silver 2
Halsey McCallum Resources 2
Halsey, William, 1915-1999 2
Harby family 2
Harris, Lancelot Minor, 1868-1941 2
Hirsch family 2
Jenkins' Orphanage Band 2
Keyserling family 2
Keyserling, Herbert, 1915-2000 2
Keyserling, Jennie Hyman, 1881-1935 2
Keyserling, William 2
Keyserling, William, 1869-1951 2
Kligman, Melton, 1929-2013 2
Kronsberg family 2
Kronsberg, Macey, 1911-2001 2
Lazar family 2
Levi, Wendell Mitchell, 1891-1976 2
Lewisohn, Ludwig, 1882-1955 2
McCallum, Corrie, 1914-2009 2
McDougal, Harriet 2
Moïse family 2
National Council of Jewish Women. Charleston Section 2
Pearlstine, Milton Alfred, 1899-1994 2
Prystowsky family 2
Raisin family 2
Raisin, Jane Lazarus, 1887-1965 2
Rhett family 2
Rivers, L. Mendel (Lucius Mendel), 1905-1970 2
Rivers, Lucius Mendel, Jr. 2
Rivers, Margaret Middleton 2
Robinson family 2
Rosenberg family 2
Rosenberg, Abraham, 1859-1920 2
Rosenthall, Irene O. 2
Rosenthall, William A. 2
Sanford, Mark, 1960- 2
Seabrook family 2
Shulman, Nat, 1914-2000 2
Simmons, Dawn Langley 2
Smith family 2
Solomon family 2
Southern Jewish Historical Society (U.S.) 2
United States. Congress. House 2
Wigfall family 2
Winstock family 2
Abeles, Sigmund, 1934- 1
Abell family 1
Aberman, Mary Ann, 1935- 1
Ackerman, Jennie Shimel, 1923-2003 1
Adams, George Alexander, 1887-1984 1
Adams, George Smith, 1923-2018 1
Adams, Theodora Elizabeth Smith, 1888-1983 1
Addlestone International Corporation 1
Addlestone, Marlene Alfred 1
Addlestone, Nathan S., 1913-2001 1
Agassiz, Louis, 1807-1873 1
Albergotti, William Greer 1
+ ∧ less