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Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 37

Wendell Mitchell Levi papers

Identifier: Mss 0079
Collection Overview The papers of Wendell Mitchell Levi include his correspondence, biographical and genealogical information, notes, material related to his publications, and photographs. Correspondence includes personal and business letters from various individuals and businesses and organizations, and copies of letters sent by Levi. Topics include Levi's writings, pigeons (breeding, training, racing, care, diseases, and many other related subjects), a city ordinance banning pigeon raising, the controversy...
Dates: 1827-1995

List of books, 1700-1936

Identifier: Mss 0034-068
Collection Overview Typescript list of record books (1700-1936) kept at the County Clerk's office [Clerk of Court], Charleston (S.C.). Record books include calendars, common pleas journals, decrees, dockets, dower books, file books, guardian accounts, judgment books, minute books, miscellaneous items, account books, army and navy records, bond books, cash books, ledgers, Charleston Board of Trade records, County Dispensary records, report books, and numerous other record books. The list contains the name of...
Dates: approximately 1936

Nathaniel Russell Middleton papers

Identifier: Mss 0032
Collection Overview Nathaniel Russell Middleton papers consist of his writings, his correspondence with his wife and children, and miscellaneous items. Middleton's writings consist of poems, essays, and addresses about Christianity, the fine arts, philosophical materialism, temperance, secession, fame, the U.S. Constitution, and other subjects, many of which were probably delivered to the students of the College of Charleston during his tenure there as professor and president. Correspondence includes letters...
Dates: 1823-1881

James Warley Miles papers

Identifier: Mss 0008
Collection Overview Papers consist of correspondence, transcripts of Miles' sermons and addresses, notes for a sermon, clippings, and biographical materials. Letters and notes include a letter (1852 March 5) to Miles from Henry D. Lesesne asking Miles to preach at Calvary Church, a note (1870 May 26) from C.G. Poyas regarding the transmission of a gift volume to Miles, and a typescript copy of a letter (1857 April 1) from Miles to Mr. [Robert Newman?] Gourdin concerning the number of volumes in the College of...
Dates: 1852-1970; Majority of material found within 1852-1875

John Neufville letters

Identifier: Mss 0034-048
Collection Overview

The collection consists of two letters. The first letter, dated May 18, 1787, is to Neufville from J. Pierce of Richmond, Virginia. The letter is concerning a debt owed to Pierce by T.E. Rupell. The second letter is a response from Neufville. In the response, dated July 10, 1787, Neufville wrote Pierce to inform him to expect payment in less than a month.

Dates: 1787

Raymond K. O'Cain papers

Identifier: Mss 0036
Collection Overview Papers consist of O'Cain's correspondence, notes, lectures and other writings, articles, printed material, photographs, clippings, linguistic maps, and sound recordings. Papers relate primarily to Raymond O'Cain and his research in linguistics.Correspondence consists mainly of letters, postcards, and telegrams to O'Cain from other scholars. Correspondents include Raven I. McDavid, Jr., Karl J. Weintraub, A.J. Van Windekens, and S. Greenbaum.O'Cain's writings include...
Dates: 1964-1980

Pogson family papers

Identifier: Mss 0034-135
Collection Overview This collection consists of items related to the Pogson family from the time of their arrival in the United States until the Civil War. It includes clippings, correspondence, calling cards, genealogies, personal effects, family documents, and other miscellaneous biographical materials. The majority of the documents refer to Milward Pogson, Sarah Pogson Smith, Frances Pogson Smith, and Harry Freeman Young Pogson. Alston Deas, the compiler of this collection, has attached explanatory notes and...
Dates: 1783-1949

Frederick A. Porcher papers

Identifier: Mss 0038
Abstract Papers consist of memoirs, lectures, essays, correspondence, and other assorted writings of Frederick A. Porcher, Professor of Belles Lettres and History at the College of Charleston from 1848 to 1886. Memoirs concern Porcher's life and career, including his childhood on Cedar Springs Plantation, his education at Yale, his life in politics, his travels abroad, and teaching at the College of Charleston. There are also personal reminiscences on South Carolina history and politics and the...
Dates: 1761-1878

Robert Primrose papers

Identifier: Mss 0034-056
Collection Overview

The collection consists of a letter written in 1800 from Primrose to John S. McLaughlin concerning a job and a list of Primrose's assets from 1835.

Dates: 1800-1835

Samuel Prioleau papers

Identifier: Mss 0034-057
Collection Overview The marriage settlement of and letters to Samuel Prioleau. Marriage settlement (trust deed) of Hannah Motte Prioleau and Samuel Prioleau for property in trust with Hannah Prioleau's father, Major James Hamilton, property consisting of a fourth part of 65 slaves (listed by name) to which she would be entitled upon his death. A letter (1826 Sept. 15) from S.M. Drayton at Northhampton (Mass.) acknowledges the receipt of money, thanks Prioleau for his help, discusses tenant problems and renting...
Dates: 1811-1832

Filtered By

  • Subject: correspondence X
  • Subject: South Carolina -- History X

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Additional filters:

correspondence 27
clippings (information artifacts) 12
photographs 11
South Carolina -- History 10
South Carolina -- History -- 1865- 8
letters (correspondence) 7
South Carolina -- History -- 1775-1865 6
Charleston (S.C.) -- History 4
South Carolina -- Social life and customs 4
diaries 4
genealogies (histories) 4
lists (document genres) 4
scrapbooks 4
financial records 3
manuscripts for publication 3
maps (documents) 3
minutes (administrative records) 3
notes (documents) 3
photocopies 3
poems 3
speeches (documents) 3
Enslaved persons -- South Carolina 2
Enslaved persons -- South Carolina -- Charleston 2
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 2
Slave records 2
South Carolina -- Genealogy 2
South Carolina -- History -- 19th century 2
South Carolina -- Politics and government 2
broadsides (notices) 2
deeds 2
essays 2
family papers 2
genealogical tables 2
lecture notes 2
lectures 2
legal documents 2
poetry 2
printed ephemera 2
reports 2
rosters 2
sermons 2
wills 2
Academic libraries -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
African American children -- Institutional care -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
African American children -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
African American farmers -- South Carolina -- Saint Helena Island -- History 1
African Americans -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- Charities 1
African Americans -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 1
African Americans -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History -- To 1863 1
African Americans -- South Carolina -- History 1
African Americans -- South Carolina -- Relations with Jews 1
Agricultural laws and legislation 1
American literature -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
American literature -- Study and teaching -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
American poetry -- 19th century 1
Architects -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
Architecture 1
Arts 1
Atmospheric physics -- History -- 18th century 1
Authors, American -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
Bankers -- South Carolina 1
Barometric hypsometry 1
Beaufort (S.C.) -- History 1
Camellias -- South Carolina -- Sumter 1
Cedar Springs Plantation (S.C.) -- Social life and customs 1
Charleston (S.C.) 1
Charleston (S.C.) -- Politics and government 1
Charleston (S.C.) -- Social life and customs 1
Charleston Earthquake, S.C., 1886 1
Christianity 1
Christianity -- Philosophy 1
Civil rights -- South Carolina -- History 1
Claims 1
Clemson (S.C.) 1
Clergy -- Correspondence 1
College teachers -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
Confederate States of America -- Imprints 1
County government -- South Carolina -- Charleston County -- Records and correspondence -- Indexing 1
Darlington (S.C.) -- History 1
Debt -- South Carolina 1
Decedents' estates -- South Carolina 1
Decoration and ornament, Architectural 1
Economists -- United States 1
Education -- 19th century 1
Education, Higher -- South Carolina 1
Educators -- Correspondence 1
English language -- Dialects -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
English language -- Dialects -- Southern States 1
English language -- Maps 1
English language -- Study and teaching -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
English literature -- Study and teaching -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
English teachers -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
Ephemera 1
Europe -- History 1
Executives -- South Carolina 1
Exports -- United States 1
Families -- Southern States -- Social life and customs -- 19th century 1
Family histories 1
Farm management -- South Carolina -- Beaufort -- History 1
Historians -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
College of Charleston 4
Harris, Lancelot Minor, 1868-1941 2
Simons, Albert, 1890-1980 2
Aiken, William Martin, 1855-1908 1
Allston, Benjamin George, 1797-1852 1
Alston family 1
American Rose Society 1
American Textile Manufacturers Institute 1
Bacot family 1
Bacot, Barnwell Rhett, 1891-1912 1
Bacot, D. Huger, 1888-1974 1
Bacot, Daniel Huger, 1847-1920 1
Bacot, Josephine Rhett, 1859-1932 1
Bacot, Walter Rhett, 1899-1978 1
Belloc, Hilaire, 1870-1953 1
Berrigan, Daniel 1
Bible Society of Charleston 1
Birnbaum, Jean 1
Birnbaum, Paul 1
Blamyer family 1
Blamyre family 1
Blanding, A. (Abraham), 1776-1839 1
Blaymer, Frances Pogson, 1783-1869 1
Bossange, Edward 1
Bourdieu, Chollet & Bourdieu (London, England) 1
Byrd, George A. 1
Byrd, Pierrine Smith, 1899-1994 1
Camp Baker (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Camp Juniper (Cheraw, S.C.) 1
Camp K'Tanim (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Camp Wesash (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Carter, John, active 1822 1
Charleston (S.C.). Board of Trade 1
Charleston County (S.C.). Clerk of Court 1
Charleston and Savannah Railroad 1
Clinton, Henry, Sir, 1738?-1795 1
Clough, Arthur Hugh, 1819-1861 1
College of Charleston. Alumni Association 1
Columbia University 1
Commonweal (New York, N.Y.) 1
Confederate Home and College (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, Marquis, 1738-1805 1
D'Ancona family 1
Dale Farms Corporation (Beaufort, S.C.) 1
De Brahm, John Gerar William, 1717-approximately 1799 1
De Wolf, Charlotte Helen Middleton, 1854-1919 1
Deas, Alston, 1893-1985 1
Democratic Party (S.C.) 1
Doar, Maria Middleton, 1844-1906 1
Dorn, William Jennings Bryan, 1916-2005 1
Drayton family 1
Drayton, S. M. 1
Drayton, William, active 1829 1
Dubose, Isaac, 1754-1816 1
Easterby, J. H. (James Harold), 1898-1960 1
Easton, John H. 1
Eisenmann family 1
Elliot, Stephen, 1771-1830 1
Ellis, M. 1
Emmanuel, Isaac 1
Episcopal Church 1
Fortiere, Nancy Alston Siegling 1
Fromberg, Joseph, 1890-1961 1
Fuller, R. Buckminster (Richard Buckminster), 1895-1983 1
Garden, Alexander, 1730-1791 1
Garrissen, Fred 1
Gourdin, Robert N., 1812-1894 1
Grimké family 1
Grimké, Angelina Emily, 1805-1879 1
Grimké, Frederick, 1791-1863 1
Grimké, John Fauchereaud, 1752-1819 1
Grimké, John Paul, 1713-1791 1
Grimké, Sarah Moore, 1792-1873 1
Grimké, Thomas Smith, 1786-1834 1
Hamilton, James, 1750-1833 1
Harleston, Isaac Child, 1745-1798 1
Harris, Carlotta Letitia, 1865-1946 1
Hartnett, Thomas F. (Thomas Forbes), 1941- 1
Haskell family 1
Hayne, Mary Middleton Michel, 1831-1892 1
Hayne, Paul Hamilton, 1830-1886 1
Hayne, Susan Brandford, 1829-1895 1
Hayne, William Hamilton, 1856-1929 1
Hector Bossange (Paris, France) 1
Henderson, Thomas, active 1832 1
Hersey, John, 1914-1993 1
Heyward, DuBose, 1885-1940 1
Hirschfeld family 1
Holmes, F. S. (Francis Simmons), 1815-1882 1
Horton family 1
House of Peace Synagogue (Columbia, S.C.) 1
Huger family 1
Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859 1
Hunter College 1
Industry (Ship) 1
Ingraham, Laura 1
Iseman, Joseph 1
Jarvis, Fisher 1
Jenkins Orphanage (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Jenkins' Orphanage Band 1