Showing Collections: 21 - 21 of 21
John A. Zeigler, Jr. papers
Identifier: Mss 0125
The papers contain writings, biographical materials, correspondence, and photographs documenting the life of John Asbury Zeigler, Jr., poet, music philanthropist, and co-owner of the Book Basement bookstore in Charleston, S.C. Materials relate to Zeigler’s education at the Citadel, and his service in the U.S. Navy during World War II in Yakutat, Alaska. The papers also cover Zeigler’s relationship with Edwin Peacock, their friendship with lithographer Prentiss Taylor and his partner Roderick...
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Special Collections
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- Subject: compact discs X
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- Repository
- Special Collections 20
- Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture 1
- Subject
- correspondence 13
- videocassettes 12
- clippings (information artifacts) 11
- black-and-white photographs 9
- color photographs 9
- DVDs 8
- Charleston (S.C.) 7
- audiocassettes 6
- scrapbooks 6
- photograph albums 5
- born digital 4
- certificates 4
- floppy disks 4
- letters (correspondence) 4
- artifacts (object genre) 3
- diaries 3
- papers (documents) 3
- periodicals 3
- photocopies 3
- photographs 3
- postcards 3
- publications (documents) 3
- sheet music 3
- Authors, American 2
- Bookstores -- South Carolina -- Charleston 2
- Ephemera 2
- Gay artists -- United States 2
- Gay men, White -- South Carolina -- Charleston 2
- Gay politicians -- South Carolina -- Charleston 2
- Gay rights -- South Carolina 2
- South Carolina 2
- USB flash drives 2
- black-and-white negatives 2
- bumper stickers 2
- color slides 2
- drafts (documents) 2
- drawings (visual works) 2
- financial records 2
- interviews 2
- magazines (periodicals) 2
- manuscripts (documents) 2
- notebooks 2
- posters 2
- school yearbooks 2
- slides (photographs) 2
- speeches (documents) 2
- tape reels 2
- typescripts 2
- Actors 1
- African American labor union members -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
- American fiction 1
- Artists 1
- Artists -- United States 1
- Asia 1
- Athens (Ga.) 1
- Authors 1
- Authors with disabilities -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
- Authors, American -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
- Bisexual artists 1
- Bisexual artists -- United States 1
- Bisexual authors 1
- Bisexual authors -- South Carolina 1
- Bisexual people's writings, American 1
- Brick House Plantation (Edisto Island, S.C.) 1
- Buddhism 1
- Charleston (S.C.) -- Biography 1
- Children of same-sex parents -- South Carolina 1
- Cold War 1
- Cookbooks 1
- Cooking -- South Carolina 1
- Cooking, American -- Southern style 1
- Cooking, American -- Southern style -- History 1
- Disability awareness -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
- Europe 1
- Female impersonators 1
- Figurative art, American 1
- Food writers -- South Carolina 1
- Food writing -- Southern States 1
- Game wardens -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
- Gay authors -- South Carolina 1
- Gay businessmen -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
- Gay couples -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- South Carolina 1
- Gay couples -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- United States 1
- Gay couples -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
- Gay men's writings, American 1
- Gay musicians 1
- Gay parents -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- South Carolina 1
- Gay people -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- South Carolina 1
- Gay people -- Social life and customs 1
- Gay people -- Violence against -- South Carolina 1
- Gay people in advertising -- South Carolina 1
- Gay people in the civil service -- United States 1
- Gay people's writings, American 1
- Gay real estate agents -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
- Genealogy 1
- Genoa (Italy) -- Description and travel 1
- Georgetown (S.C.) 1
- Governors' spouses -- South Carolina 1
- Gunskirchen (Austria) 1 + ∧ less
- Language
- Hebrew 2
- Dutch; Flemish 1
- Italian 1
- Names
- Alliance for Full Acceptance 4
- Ketner, Linda 2
- Smith, Charlie 2
- Abeles, Sigmund, 1934- 1
- Abell family 1
- Albergotti, William Greer 1
- Alwyn's Department Store (Georgetown, S.C.) 1
- Anderson, Dorothy Middleton 1
- B-52's (Musical group) 1
- Beth Elohim (Georgetown, S.C.) 1
- Book Basement (Charleston, S.C.) 1
- Brown, Kent, 1953-2003 1
- Charleston Naval Shipyard 1
- Charleston Pride Festival, Inc. 1
- Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina 1
- Clarke, Edward, Sir, 1841-1931 1
- College of Charleston 1
- Congregation Sinai (Sumter, S.C.) 1
- Daughters of the American Revolution 1
- Daurer, Joe, 1909-1998 1
- Dorsey, Mickey, 1925- 1
- Durrenberger, E. Paul, 1943- 1
- Eastman, Margaret Middleton Rivers 1
- Elfe family 1
- Erem, Suzan 1
- Fallon family 1
- Fanning family 1
- Fraser, Mary Edna 1
- Freeman Foundation 1
- Fripp family 1
- Ginsberg, Allen, 1926-1997 1
- Glenn, Chase 1
- Goldstein family 1
- Goldstein, Alwyn, 1915-2010 1
- Greenspon, Roz G. 1
- Gunskirchen (Concentration camp) 1
- Harby family 1
- Hess, Karen 1
- Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967 1
- International Longshoremen's Association. Local 1422 (Charleston, S.C.) 1
- International Military Tribunal 1
- Jewish Community Center (Charleston, S.C.) 1
- Johnson, Elizabeth Ross 1
- Johnson, Harriet McBryde 1
- Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, S.C.) 1
- Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, S.C.). Sisterhood 1
- Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968 1
- Lavori, Nora 1
- Legendre family 1
- Legendre, Bokara, 1940-2017 1
- Lewis, Jerry, 1926-2017 1
- Lott, Bret 1
- Lubin, Lillie Goldstein, 1923- 1
- Matlovich, Leonard 1
- Moïse family 1
- Moïse, Ben McC. 1
- Nettles family 1
- Peacock, Edwin, 1910-1989 1
- Potter, Mary Jo 1
- Potter, William Zeigler 1
- Quiroz, Roderick S. 1
- Ravenel, Marion Rivers, 1943- 1
- Redman-Gress, Warren 1
- Rivers (Family : Rivers, L. Mendel (Lucius Mendel), 1905-1970) 1
- Rivers family 1
- Rivers, L. Mendel (Lucius Mendel), 1905-1970 1
- Rivers, Lucius Mendel, Jr. 1
- Rivers, Margaret Middleton 1
- Rosefield, Virginia Moïse, 1909-2002 1
- Rosenberg, Anita Moïse Rosefield 1
- Russell, Ina 1
- Sanford, Jenny, 1962- 1
- Sanford, Mark, 1960- 1
- Sears, James T. (James Thomas), 1951- 1
- Seigel (Family : Seigel, Robert A.) 1
- Seigel, Robert A. 1
- Sheldon Church (Beaufort County, S.C.) 1
- Shoftim Society 1
- Siegel family 1
- Singer, Peter, 1946- 1
- Sly family 1
- Smith family 1
- South Carolina Equality 1
- South Carolina Equality Coalition 1
- South Carolina. Department of Natural Resources 1
- Taylor, John Martin, 1949- 1
- Taylor, Prentiss, 1907-1991 1
- United States. Army. Infantry Division, 71st 1
- United States. Congress. House 1
- United States. Navy 1
- University of South Carolina. School of Law 1
- We Are Family (Charleston, S.C.) 1
- Zeigler, John 1
- Ziegler family 1 + ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more