Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 13
Benjamin Berendt and Anna Gelson Berendt papers
Identifier: Mss 1089
Writings, newspaper clippings, poetry, plays, publications, correspondence, photographs, and other personal papers of Benjamin Berendt and Anna Gelson Berendt of Charleston, South Carolina. Materials mostly relate to the Berendt and Gelson family histories as well as Benjamin's and Anna's travels. Also included are Aleph Zadik Aleph Chapter 143 publications from the 1950s and 1960s.
Found in:
Special Collections
Solomon Breibart professional papers
Identifier: Mss 1084
Research files, publications, correspondence, and other professional papers of Solomon Breibart, teacher and historian. Materials relate to Breibart's research and publications on the history of Charleston's Jewish population, in particular, the history of the city's oldest Jewish congregation, Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim.
circa 1965-2008
Found in:
Special Collections
Brith Sholom Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) congregational records
Identifier: Mss 1068
The collection consists of the surviving records of Brith Sholom, an orthodox congregation founded in Charleston, South Carolina in 1852, Beth Israel, another orthodox Charleston congregation founded in 1911, and the records of Brith Sholom Beth Israel founded in 1954 when the two congregations merged. Also included are the records of Charleston Hebrew Institute, founded in 1956, and later known as the Addlestone Hebrew Academy. With records of the Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society, the...
Found in:
Special Collections
Arthur C. Furchgott papers
Identifier: Mss 1043
Collection Overview
Contains letters (1930, 1958) to Furchgott regarding membership achievements in Friendship Lodge No. 9; formal photographs of Friendship Lodge No. 9 members (b/w) 1909, 1949, 1954, 1963-1965, and two undated photographs (ca. 1950s). 1961 Lodge Resolution in recognition of Furchgott's 55 years of service and Memoriam Resolution (1971) from Friendship Lodge issued upon Furchgott's death. Ephemera includes receipts (1906) for dues paid, menu from Lodge's 144th Anniversary (1911) Dinner held at...
Found in:
Special Collections
Lee Cohen Harby papers
Identifier: Mss 1019
Collection Overview
Includes correspondence, photographs, photocopies, clippings, scrapbook, typescript.
Genealogical information on descendants of Isaac Harby (birth, death and marriage dates); cabinet card (1891) of Lee C. Harby; handwritten letter re. Harby family of Delhi, NY; clippings of Harby poems published in newspapers (Texas, NY and SC); typescript of poem, "The Lesson of Easter"; clippings of essays about Texas; clippings of misc. published essays, topics include: southern plantation life, Jewish...
Found in:
Special Collections
Jacobosky-Friedburg-Gaeser-Altman family papers
Identifier: Mss 1011
Collection Overview
Includes photographs, genealogies, correspondence, clippings, certificates, and typescripts.
Papers cover four generations of Jacobosky, Friedberg, Gaeser, and Altman families and include genealogies, family memoirs (1861-1964) compiled by Etta Friedberg Gaeser (1936) and Francine Altman Lichtman (1964), correspondence (1930s-1980s), and certificates awarded to Walter Gaeser (Navy) and Ermine Gaeser Altman (including an original United Daughters of the Confederacy certificate,...
Found in:
Special Collections
Harold Jacobs papers
Identifier: Mss 1012
Collection Overview
Includes correspondence, typescripts, photographs, clippings, ephemera, pamphlets, photocopies.
Papers related to Harold's Cabin include correspondence and articles (1950s-1960s), clippings (1970s-1990s), photographs (1920s-1960s), organizational history, and letters from Charleston mayors and national figures. Collection also contains personal papers: speeches (1980s) made at Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (KKBE) and KKBE correspondence (1979-1981); papers (1942-1945) regarding United States Army...
1905-1990; Majority of material found within 1920-1980
Found in:
Special Collections
Jack Krawcheck business records
Identifier: Mss 1026
Collection Overview
Includes business records, financial documents, correspondence, photographs, photocopies, carbon copies, clippings, ephemera, pamphlets, scrapbooks, realia.
Bulk of collection are records from Jack Krawcheck's business (filed alphabetically, in original order in which they were donated); vendor records exist for 1948-49, 1950-51 and 1951-52; files contain invoices, order forms, and occasional correspondence; also included are tax and banking information for same time periods and carbon...
1939-1980; Majority of material found within 1948-1953
Found in:
Special Collections
Rittenberg-Pearlstine family papers
Identifier: Mss 1008
Collection Overview
Includes photographs, photograph albums, ephemera, photocopies, audio tapes, typescripts, clippings. Papers contain material related to Samuel O. Rittenberg and include biographical information, and articles written about his life. Audio tapes, articles, and speeches document two memorial dedications in Charleston and include typed tributes given by Dr. Henry W. Rittenberg. Papers related to Dr. Rittenberg include biographical information and articles he published about his father.
Found in:
Special Collections
Mitchell I. Rubin papers
Identifier: Mss 1015
Collection Overview
Includes correspondence, speeches, photographs, photocopies, clippings, ephemera, pamphlets, certificates.
Material related to career and professional accomplishments of Dr. Mitchell I. Rubin: drafts of speeches (1970s-1980s) to medical groups and at awards ceremonies; typescripts (1970s-1980s) regarding medical career of Oliver Wendell Holmes and life of Peter Mark Roget; tributes (1983) written to Dr. Rubin at Buffalo Children's Hospital; certificates and award ephemera (1972-1992);...
1890-1996; Majority of material found within 1968-1989
Found in:
Special Collections