Box 1
Contains 26 Results:
John F. Grimke orderly book notes, 1779-1780
File — Box: 1, Folder: 4
Scope and Contents
Grimke's rough notations (August-December 1779) re requisitioning, constructing and using military and related supplies such as ammunition, cloth, blacksmith materials, spirits, and tobacco, etc., naming the men and women providing supplies, working, etc. With two leaves (April 1780) noting conditions of fortifications, need for ammunition at, and repair of, various batteries, etc. in and around Charleston, during the British siege of the city. The information on these loose sheets is...
John F. Grimke correspondence, 1776-1778, undated
File — Box: 1, Folder: 5
Scope and Contents
Letters to and from John F. Grimke on mostly military matters include many with General Robert Howe re a contrite soldier who went absent without leave at Ft. Johnson (1776); supplies needed for military operations near Sunbury, Georgia and St. Augustine, Florida (1778); a vessel seized by Howe for military use in Georgia; and Howe's later (1779) military service near West Point, mentioning his love of Carolina. Other Howe materials include a letter (1778) of his to Capt. Warley re combat...
1776-1778, undated
John F. Grimke correspondence, 1779-1783
File — Box: 1, Folder: 6
Scope and Contents
Letters (1779) from John. F. Grimke in Purrsyburg, South Carolina and a camp called Three Sisters to his father John Paul Grimke re military operations, the low morale of the soldiers, his thoughts on enlisting men of lower social standing who are more willing to take orders, the defeat of Major John Ashe, deserters, the defense of Charleston by General Benjamin Lincoln, and anxiety over his family in Charleston, with a mention of General William Moultrie. One letter (March 27, 1779) exists...
Copies of letter to General George Washington, circa 1780s
File — Box: 1, Folder: 7
Scope and Contents
A fair copy of an undated, unsigned document addressed to "His Excellency Genl Washington" containing a "Plan for modeling the Army anew" which makes suggestions on divisions of troops, manner of nomination for rank and advancement, pay, court martial procedures, with similar suggestions for clothing and food, cooking, cleanliness, hospital service, etc. It bears penciled indexing and the name Col Roberts. With contemporary (1780) transcripts of...
circa 1780s
John F. Grimke correspondence, 1783-1787
File — Box: 1, Folder: 8
Scope and Contents
Letters (1783-1784) to and from General Robert Howe re the latter's debts; with letters from Jacob Read and Francis [?] Pinckney re money owed them. With letters (1784-1785) of Thomas Ousby re Grimke's assisting him to document his military service and obtaining a pension. A letter (1786) from B. Waring, Camden, South Carolina, mentions debts and a bad indigo crop. Letters and notes to Grimke as intendant (or mayor) of Charleston include those (1786) from John Postell and Alex Chisolm re...
John F. Grimke correspondence, 1790-1808, undated
File — Box: 1, Folder: 9
Scope and Contents
A letter (1790) from Ralph Izard invites Grimke to Scheveling Plantation, advises him to avoid Combahee ferry and mentions the pox and children in quarantine, while a 1791 letter to Grimke as past master of Union Killwinning Lodge includes some extracts from minutes and requests his help in a legal matter. A letter (1792) from Thomas Fitzsimmons in Philadelphia regards money owed him. Two lengthy letters (1793) from James Delaire describe conditions on Santo Domingo, which he left in 1793;...
1790-1808, undated
Mary Smith Grimke correspondence, 1825-1826, undated
File — Box: 1, Folder: 10
Scope and Contents
Letters of Mary Smith Grimke, wife of John Faucheraud Grimke, to her daughter, Anna Rutledge Grimke Frost (1795-1882), in Philadelphia, re the drowning death of her son, Benjamin (1798-1825) and his child, her grieving daughter-in-law Mary Augusta Barron Grimke (1806-1843), and the return of the bodies to Charleston, to be buried in St. Paul's cemetery. With references to settling of her husband's (?) estate, a note to her granddaughter as well and references to "Sally" (Sarah) and Angelina...
1825-1826, undated
Benjamin Grimke materials, 1826-1828
File — Box: 1, Folder: 11
Scope and Contents
A letter from Benjamin King (Ft. Moultrie, 1826) describes the wreck of the ship Harvest off the coast of North Carolina in which Lieutenant Benjamin Grimke and his infant daughter were drowned, but which his wife and King survived; with details on their shipwreck on Boddy's Island, wreckers salvaging the ship, burial of the dead and travel to Roanoke. With a copy of his lengthy tombstone inscription; a scrap of a French lesson, apparently written by Grimke;...
Thomas S. Grimke correspondence, 1813-1821
File — Box: 1, Folder: 12
Scope and Contents
An anonymous (name blotted out) letter (1813) postmarked Richmond, Virginia to Grimke notes the author's legislative and public duties and describes British attacks on Virginia and the effect it will have on the state's raising troops and weakening confidence in the federal government. Letters (1819-1820) to Grimke re his father's death are from Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Thomas Pinckney, and Revolutionary War soldier, John Wickly and an unknown correspondent giving biographical details...
Thomas S. Grimke correspondence, 1827-1828
File — Box: 1, Folder: 13
Scope and Contents
Letter of Grimke to the South Carolina Comptroller General references purchasing books for a [law?] library and mentioning a fund for the court house administered by his father. A letter from Langdon Cheves, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, replies to Grimke's thoughts on the codification of laws, and Grimke's thoughts on the Reformation. With Grimke's reply to Cheves. A letter from Rev. Jasper Adams, Geneva, New York, expresses his views on classical education, especially for the upper class;...