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JHC. Jewish Heritage Collection

 Record Group
Identifier: JHC

Found in 316 Collections and/or Records:

Hebrew Benevolent Society papers

Identifier: Mss 1059
Collection Overview Two volumes of minutes (1867-1962) detail all aspects of the organization, its meetings, members, contributions, finances, etc., with some reports of officers, such as President and Treasurer. The minutes (1869-1915) of the Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society of Charleston, S.C., often referred to as "Israel's Hope," are included as well. The series of financial records include accounts (1896-1947) of the Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society, before it merged with the Hebrew Benevolent Society and...
Dates: 1867-1984

Records of B'nai B'rith, Dan Lodge Number 593

Identifier: Mss 1061
Collection Overview Collection includes Dan Lodge Number 593 member and officer rosters (1940-1942), minutes from monthly meetings (1938-1942), and correspondence (1940-1942) between officers and members. Topics covered in minutes and correspondence include fundraising and social activities, involvement with the Anti-Defamation League and Dan Lodge Number 593's participation in civilian defense and other home front efforts during World War II. Misc. material contains two pamphlets related to local war effort...
Dates: 1938-1942

Pearlstine-Strauss family papers

Identifier: Mss 1062
Collection Overview Bulk of collection is photographs (1860s-1970s) of the Pearlstine and Strauss families. Images include: I.M Pearlstine (1860s-1890s); Hyman Pearlstine (1880s-1920s); Esther "Edie" Strauss Pearlstine (1880s-1930s); group images (1890s-1900s) of Hyman Pearlstine family; Edwin and Milton Pearlstine as children; photographs of Edwin S. Pearlstine (includes photos from World War I training camp); images (1904-1970s) of Mary Pearlstine Hornik and Gerald and Jane P. Meyerson family. Includes...
Dates: 1860-1980; Majority of material found within 1880-1930

Wendell Mitchell Levi real estate records

Identifier: Mss 1142
Collection Overview

The Wendell M. Levi Real Estate Records contains documents produced over the course of Levi’s legal career. The bulk of the collection dates to the first half of the 20th century. Records relate to Sumter County and Clarendon County and include various mortgages, bonds, plats, real estate titles, deeds, farm leases, land rent liens, checks, and financial statements. Some documents, mainly plats, are housed separately due to size.

Dates: 1866-1970

Jewish Community Center papers

Identifier: Mss 1063
Collection Overview The administrative files mostly document planning for, financing, and building the new Jewish Community Center in suburban Charleston; with blueprints, architects Simons, Lapham, Mitchell and Small correspondence and a small amount of history. The largest series contains photographs documenting Jewish life and Jewish Community Center activities, ca. 1945 to 1998. Original order, when possible, was kept, there being topical and biographical files (including images, 1980s-1990s, of Russian...
Dates: 1920-1998

Rosen family papers

Identifier: Mss 1143
Collection Overview

The collection contains assorted family photographs, correspondence, clippings, newspaper photocopies, and ephemera documenting the Rosen family’s history. Of special focus is the life and work of Sylvan Lewenthal Rosen (1913-1996), former Georgetown mayor (1948-1961) and prominent local attorney. Also included are various genealogical records related to the Rosen family.

Dates: 1938-2015

Robert N. Rosen papers

Identifier: Mss 1064
Collection Overview This collection contains 10 boxes of research material obtained by Robert N. Rosen during the writing of the book The Jewish Confederates. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, c2000. Two boxes contain information regarding specific research about states and cities in the Confederacy. Three boxes contain information and research on specific Jewish individuals mentioned in The Jewish Confederates. One box contains information and research specific to David Levy Yulee as well as...
Dates: 1990s

Photographs for Palmetto Jews

Identifier: Mss 1066
Collection Overview The black and white photographs in this collection were taken by Bill Aron in October and November of 2000 for the photo essay Palmetto Jews, which appeared in the book A portion of the people: three hundred years of southern Jewish life. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, 2002. Also included in this collection are slides and contact sheets of all the images; duplicate slides and photocopies created by the Special Collections Department of the College of Charleston of all...
Dates: 2000

Rosenberg, Winstock, and Hozore families papers

Identifier: Mss 1144
Collection Overview

The collection contains photographs, correspondence, and personal papers of the Rosenberg, Winstock, and Hozore families. Also included are a family recipe, a journal, and a copy of the “The Naiad” yearbook. The bulk of the collection dates to the early 20th century. Many documents are written in Russian and Yiddish. Some photographs are labeled to indicate the family members documented.

Dates: 1885-1987

Nathan and Flora Emanuel family Bible

Identifier: Mss 1146
Collection Overview

The collection consists of a family Bible annotated with family genealogy records. Several newspaper obituaries and marriage announcements have been pasted onto pages of the Bible. The Bible was printed in 1845. Genealogy dates range from 1812 to 1939. The bulk of the genealogy records date to the second half of the 19th century.

Dates: 1845-1939