Showing Collections: 1 - 3 of 3
Rosslee Tenetha Green Douglas papers
Identifier: AMN 1132
Rosslee Tenetha Green Douglas, (1928-2011) was an African-American nurse, health administrator, and two-time presidential appointee during the Ronald Reagan Presidential Administration. Green Douglas attended Avery Institute, Class of 1947; Lincoln School for Nurses (1952) and was the first African-American graduate from the College of Nursing, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston (M.U.S.C) in 1972. She served as an administrator for the Franklin Fetter Family Health Center, and...
1934-2005; Majority of material found within 1981-2002
Walter Earl Douglas papers
Identifier: AMN 1127
Walter Earl Douglas (1923-1979), an African-American newspaper journalist and writer. A stanch conservative Republican, Douglas wrote columns under the byline of "The Earl of Charleston" and "W. Earl Douglas." His columns were featured in South Carolina newspapers including the "Charleston Chronicle," "The Charleston Evening Post" and "Black News" (Columbia), in addition to syndicated nationally papers including the "Union Leader" (Manchester, New Hampshire). Douglas' writings incorporate...
1963-1979; Majority of material found within 1977-1979
William Louis Gailliard collection
Identifier: AMN 1160
Captain William Louis Gailliard (b. 1908) was born and raised in Charleston, SC, and married to Priscilla Bonaparte Gailliard (1908-1997), who had at least three children together. For several years, he was a member of the Royal Sultans Orchestra, who were the first Black band to play on Folly Beach, SC. Ending the band in the early 1950s, he became an auxiliary fireman, and became a fire captain in the 1970s. He passed away in 1999. This collection largely contains a series of photographs...
1935-1980; Majority of material found within 1956-1976