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Series 8: Presbyterian Church USA/Synod of the South/Atlantic Presbyterial Records, 1970-1990, bulk: 1974-1979


Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The records in the collection are divided into three main sections, Zion Presbyterian Church, Olivet Presbyterian church and Zion-Olivet Presbyterian church records. The Zion-Olivet records, which constitute the bulk of the collection, are further divided into five series arranged largely chronologically into financial, kindergarten/day-care, member United Presbyterian Women (UPW) and United Presbyterian Men (UPM) materials.

Series 1: Zion Presbyterian Church Records - 1854-1955, and undated (bulk: 1932-1954) Holds bound Volumes 1-3 which contains record of baptisms, members with addresses, minutes from general session meetings, noting appointments, church finances; type bill of sale for a portion of ground in Zion's cemetery (1932); correspondence of Zion Presbyterian Church regarding visiting ministers and upcoming meetings (1936); Volume 3 titled "Journal" with information regarding Zion Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society (WMS). Includes church bulletins and newsletters (1947-1955).

Series 2: Olivet Presbyterian Church Records - 1909-1966 Holds Volumes 1-4 containing donation listing of church members with their addresses; a total of pastors' salaries for July 1924; minutes of session meetings regarding fund raising, church finances, officers, church membership; notes new members and baptisms, births, deaths, and officers (1913-1930); records of financial transcations, monies collected at various rallies; amounts paid to the pastor and other church officers. Volume 4 contains records used by Olivet and Zion-Olivet churches which includes financial records of donations, salaries of the pastor and church officers with expenses.

Series 3: Zion-Olivet Presbyterian Church - 1959-1984 Holds ten (10) bound volumes and an oversize ledger containing record of bank deposits, check payments, receipts and disbursements; bills paid, budget outlines. Includes receipt and deposit books noting contributions (mostly for the building fund); and checkbooks. Also holds scattered insurance policies, "50 Million fund" contributions; Zion-Olivet's "Spring Rallies," "Tea Reports," 25th Anniversary of church merger documents, and weekly reports.

Series 4: Zion-Olivet Kindergarten/Child Care - 1965-1977 Contains receipt and check books. Includes "Charleston Nursery and Day Care," receipt and checkbooks, and Zion-Olivet Kindergarten and Child Care ledger listing expenses for salaries, utilities, food and listing of employees.

Series 5: Zion-Olivet Church Members and Students - 1964-1992, and undated Holds unnumbered volumes containing records of attendance, offerings, new members, visitors, classes and teachers. Includes "The Improved Sunday School Secretary's Records Book," class books regarding Primary I to Adult Bible classes; correspondence regarding the Zion-Olivet Church building: repairs, demolition of 93 Beaufain Street (Charleston, South Carolina), and deed of Olivet Church. Additionally, this series holds the church's Twenty-fifth anniversary, funeral, wedding, anniversary and various event programs; church directories and listings, Records of the Evangelism Committee; agenda and meeting minutes; church service programs and newsletters.

Series 6: Zion-Olivet: Women's Association - 1965-1979 Contains Constitution and By-laws; financial records, event programs; handbook; newsletters; correspondence; and listings of contributions and pledges.

Series 7: United Presbyterian Men of Zion-Olivet - 1962-1983, and undated Contains financial documents, meeting minutes, membership list, note containing minutes of meetings and the member's paid dues, and various documents regarding philosophy, and men's work in the Presbyterian Church.

Series 8: Presbyterian Church USA/Synod of the South/Atlantic Presbyterian Records - 1970-1990 (bulk 1974-1979) Hold various documents relating to the South Carolina area including event programs, reports of meeting and handbook on the order of workshop for church services; listing of churches in the presbytery; Executive council meeting minutes; newsletters; surveys; and pamphlets.

Series 9: Various Materials - 1952-1977 Contains volume of meeting minutes from the Netherlands Guiana League (1952-1956) NOTE: Found in Zion-Olivet church records, with no other provenance known. Also holds two children's music (1954, 1956) and a Bible study booklet (1977).


  • Creation: 1970-1990
  • Creation: Majority of material found in 1974-1979

Access Restrictions

No restrictions.


From the Collection: 10.0 linear feet (19 boxes)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Hold various documents relating to the South Carolina area including event programs, reports of meeting and handbook on the order of workshop for church services; listing of churches in the presbytery; Executive council meeting minutes; newsletters; surveys; and pamphlets.

Repository Details

Part of the Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture Repository

125 Bull Street
Charleston South Carolina 29424 United States