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Showing Collections: 631 - 640 of 853

Research notes on education in Charleston

Identifier: Mss 0100
Collection Overview The collection consists of typescripts from the Charleston newspapers noting anything related to education. The information included is primarily about all aspects of the College of Charleston, but is often about private grammar schools and is sometimes about local scientific work. Meetings of scientific and literary organizations were regularly noted particularly those of the Literary and Philosophical Society of South Carolina, whose museum became the basis for the College of Charleston...
Dates: approximately 1934-approximately 1948

Research on education in Charleston, S.C.

Identifier: Mss 0014
Collection Overview

Typescript annotated listing and abstracts of articles (1767-1886) from South Carolina periodicals concerning various aspects of education in Charleston (S.C.). Periodicals used include the South Carolina Gazette, the Southern Patriot, the Charleston Courier, the Columbian Herald, and the News and Courier. These materials may have been part of the research for J.H. Easterby's A History of the College of Charleston (1935).

Dates: approximately 1930

Alicia Rhett papers

Identifier: Mss 0226

Papers of Alicia Rhett, artist and actress, best known for her role as India Wilkes in the 1939 film Gone with the Wind and for her career as an artist. The collection includes family and biographical material as well as materials related to her careers as both an actress and an artist.

Dates: approximately 1890s-2012; Majority of material found within 1930-2012

Carew Rice papers

Identifier: Mss 0188

Correspondence, original silhouettes, pamphlets, and writings of South Carolina silhouettist, Carew Rice.

Dates: 1932-1971

James Henry Rice letter

Identifier: Mss 0034-060
Collection Overview The collection consists of a letter from James Henry Rice to Robert Lathan dated January 6, 1935. In the letter, Rice discussed several articles he had written or was planning to write. He also discussed his book, The Aftermath of Glory, which was published by Walker, Evans & Cogswell company. In the letter he mentioned several individuals including M. Bishop Alexander, Billie Cogswell, Johnson Hagood, Dr. William Trelease and Thomas R. Waring. He also mentioned several newspapers...
Dates: 1935

Isadore Rich papers

Identifier: Mss 1034-106
Abstract Collection consists of a letter from Isadore Rich to his wife and children written while he was abroad in Wiesbaden, Germany, seeking treatment for Wright's disease, a page (in German) of the log of the ship Kronprinzessin Cecilie (Crown Princess Cecilie) reporting on Rich's death during his journey back to the United States, and his obituary. Also included is a facsimile of a German Abgangszeugnis, or "leaving certificate"-a document that contains a student's final exam grades-issued to...
Dates: 1910

Clemon Harold Richardson, Sr., papers

Identifier: AMN 1141
Abstract Clemon Harold Richardson, Sr., (1925-2003), was a Masonic and community leader in Charleston, South Carolina. He was the Grand High Priest of the Robert B. Elliott Chapter #1 for the Holy Royal Arch Masons of the State of South Carolina. Locally, Richardson was the president of the Maryville/Ashleyville Neighborhood Association, (formerly the West Ashley Civic Association.) from 1954-2000. Richardson also served as the Charleston County Democratic Party Executive Committee Person for the St....
Dates: 1910-2002, undated; Majority of material found within 1990-2000

Inez Richardson papers

Identifier: AMN 1161
Abstract Inez A. Richardson, born in 1911, was the first licensed Black female barber in South Carolina. This collection concentrates primarily on Inez Richardson, however it also includes documents pertaining to the rest of the Richardson family. The collection documents Richardson’s involvement in the Rose of Sharon Tent, Southern District No. 4, from 1952 to 1984. The Rose of Sharon Tent was one of the Tents of the United Order of Tents, which is the only Christian Black women’s secret society....
Dates: 1951-1990

James Oliver Rigney, Jr., papers

Identifier: Mss 0197
Abstract Papers of James Oliver Rigney, Jr., author of the epic fantasy Wheel of Time series of novels written under the pseudonym of Robert Jordan. Materials document Rigney's career as an author beginning with his early novels The Fallon Blood, The Fallon Pride, The Fallon Legacy, and Cheyenne Raiders, written under the pseudonyms of Reagan O'Neal and Jackson...
Dates: 1905-2012; Majority of material found within circa 1968-2012

Rittenberg-Pearlstine family papers

Identifier: Mss 1008
Collection Overview Includes photographs, photograph albums, ephemera, photocopies, audio tapes, typescripts, clippings. Papers contain material related to Samuel O. Rittenberg and include biographical information, and articles written about his life. Audio tapes, articles, and speeches document two memorial dedications in Charleston and include typed tributes given by Dr. Henry W. Rittenberg. Papers related to Dr. Rittenberg include biographical information and articles he published about his father. Jack...
Dates: 1890-1982

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Additional filters:

correspondence 248
clippings (information artifacts) 185
photographs 129
black-and-white photographs 110
scrapbooks 78
photocopies 65
color photographs 59
Charleston (S.C.) 54
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 51
financial records 50
certificates 47
World War, 1939-1945 -- Atrocities 45
letters (correspondence) 40
minutes (administrative records) 40
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 39
family papers 37
photograph albums 36
black-and-white negatives 35
genealogies (histories) 34
pamphlets 34
printed ephemera 34
programs (documents) 34
diaries 33
videocassettes 29
DVDs 28
digital images 28
South Carolina -- History 25
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston 24
artifacts (object genre) 24
typescripts 24
black-and-white slides 23
Charleston (S.C.) -- History 21
compact discs 21
memoirs 21
postcards 21
publications (documents) 21
South Carolina -- History -- 1775-1865 20
articles 20
audiocassettes 19
manuscripts for publication 19
newsletters 19
South Carolina -- History -- 1865- 18
Photographs 17
genealogical tables 17
ledgers (account books) 17
manuscripts (documents) 17
notes (documents) 17
Jewish merchants -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 16
administrative records 16
legal documents 16
African American churches -- South Carolina -- Charleston 15
drawings (visual works) 15
obituaries 15
receipts (financial records) 15
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- Correspondence 14
African Americans -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 13
Ephemera 13
business records 13
maps (documents) 13
poems 13
Jewish families -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 12
awards 12
color slides 12
sketches 12
speeches (documents) 12
African Americans -- Education -- South Carolina -- Charleston 11
African Americans -- South Carolina -- Charleston 11
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- Social life and customs 11
World War, 1939-1945 -- Participation, Jewish 11
essays 11
lists (document genres) 11
poetry 11
Fraternal organizations -- South Carolina -- Charleston 10
World War, 1939-1945 -- Concentration camps -- Germany 10
cabinet photographs 10
diplomas 10
drafts (documents) 10
magazines (periodicals) 10
negatives (photographs) 10
personal correspondence 10
research notes 10
school yearbooks 10
slides (photographs) 10
African American businesspeople -- South Carolina -- Charleston 9
African American churches 9
Holocaust survivors 9
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Personal narratives 9
Hospital Workers' Strike, Charleston, S.C., 1969 9
Jewish families -- South Carolina -- Charleston 9
books 9
daguerreotypes (photographs) 9
journals (accounts) 9
photo CDs 9
plats (maps) 9
posters 9
writings (documents) 9
African American teachers -- South Carolina -- Charleston 8
African American women -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- Societies and clubs 8
African Americans -- Education -- South Carolina -- History -- 20th century 8
Charleston County (S.C.) 8
College of Charleston 45
Avery Normal Institute 40
Deas, Alston, 1893-1985 29
Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, S.C.) 17
College of Charleston. Library 16
Avery Institute of Afro-American History and Culture 13
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Charleston Branch (Charleston, S.C.) 13
United States. Army 13
Avery Research Center 12
United States. Works Progress Administration 10
Moses family 9
Cohen family 8
Ku Klux Klan (1915- ) 8
Levy family 8
Alston family 7
Clark, Septima Poinsette, 1898-1987 7
Jewish Community Center (Charleston, S.C.) 7
Buchenwald (Concentration camp) 6
Centenary United Methodist Church (Charleston, S.C.) 6
Charleston Naval Shipyard 6
Dachau (Concentration camp) 6
DeCosta family 6
Hirsch, Mordenai Raisin 6
Moïse family 6
Synagogue Emanu-El (Charleston, S.C.) 6
Voorhees College 6
Waring, Julius Waties, 1880-1968 6
Weinberg family 6
Aleph Zadik Aleph. Charleston Chapter 5
Alliance for Full Acceptance 5
Auschwitz (Concentration camp) 5
Bachman, John, 1790-1874 5
Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) 5
Blamyer family 5
Blamyre family 5
Breibart, Solomon 5
Brown family 5
Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina 5
Deas family 5
Easterby, J. H. (James Harold), 1898-1960 5
Harby family 5
Harleston, Edwin Augustus, 1882-1931 5
Highlander Folk School (Monteagle, Tenn.) 5
Medical University of South Carolina 5
Moïse, Penina 5
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 5
Raisin, Rachel M. 5
Rubens family 5
Solomon family 5
South Carolina Federation of Colored Women's Clubs 5
St. Philip's Church (Charleston, S.C.) 5
United States. Congress. House 5
Waring, Elizabeth 5
African Methodist Episcopal Church 4
Brith Sholom (Charleston, S.C.) 4
Brith Sholom Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) 4
Burke High School (Charleston, S.C.) 4
Charleston County School District 4
Clyburn, James 4
Congregation Sinai (Sumter, S.C.) 4
Dock Street Theatre (Charleston, S.C.) 4
Dulaney, W. Marvin, 1950- 4
Emanuel AME Church (Charleston, S.C.) 4
Finley family 4
Footlight Players (Charleston, S.C.) 4
Harris, Lancelot Minor, 1868-1941 4
Holmes, F. S. (Francis Simmons), 1815-1882 4
Hospital and Training School for Nurses (Charleston, S.C.) 4
Howard University 4
Jenkins, Esau, 1910-1972 4
Karesh, Rosalyn Furchgott 4
Lazar family 4
Links, Inc. Charleston Chapter 4
Manigault, Gabriel E. (Gabriel Edward), 1833-1899 4
McClennan-Banks Memorial Hospital (Charleston, S.C.) 4
Morris Street Baptist Church (Charleston, S.C.) 4
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity 4
Palmetto Medical, Dental, and Pharmaceutical Association 4
Phillis Wheatley Literary and Social Club (Charleston, S.C.) 4
Pogson family 4
Rosenberg, Anita Moïse Rosefield 4
Rosengarten, Dale, 1948- 4
Shulman, Nat, 1914-2000 4
Simons, Albert, 1890-1980 4
South Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives 4
Southern Christian Leadership Conference 4
St. Mark's Protestant Episcopal Church (Charleston, S.C.) 4
Stern, Theodore Sanders 4
Tobias, Thomas J. 4
United States. Navy 4
Whipper, Lucille, 1928-2021 4
Wigfall family 4
Addlestone Hebrew Academy (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Aleph Zadik Aleph 3
Allen University 3
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 3
Alterman, Jennet Robinson 3
Altman family 3
American Missionary Association 3
B'nai B'rith 3