Showing Collections: 1 - 3 of 3
Charles Cross collection of Buchenwald concentration camp photographs
The collection consists of nine photographs of Buchenwald concentration camp taken in April 1945, shortly after its liberation by the U.S. Army. Also included is a 1993 interview on videocassette with Corporal Charles Cross, who collected the photographs.
Albert Gosschalk papers
Photographs, silver objects, and other papers of Albert Gosschalk, a Jewish resistance fighter during World War II from the Netherlands. Materials relate to the families of Gosschalk and his wife, Theodora "Doris" van Blankenstein Gosschalk and their lives before, during, and after World War II.
Francine Ajzensztark Taylor papers
Photographs and false identification papers of Francine Ajzensztark Taylor, a Polish-born Jew raised in France before World War II. Photographs depict her and her family members in pre-war England and Poland, as well as in France before, during, and after the war. Also includes four videocassette programs, including two detailed interviews with Taylor in which she discusses her life in France before, during, and after the war.