Showing Collections: 11 - 18 of 18
Pincus Kolender papers
The collection consists of images and transcripts of a speech and oral history interview of Pincus Kolender, a Jewish native of Bochnia, Poland, who survived imprisonment in multiple concentration camps during World War II, including Szebnie, Birkenau, Buna, and Dora. Images include pre- and post-war photographs of Kolender and his family, as well as those of his wife Renee Fox (formerly Fuchs) Kolender.
Mel Kraus papers
The collection consists of five photographs of Mel Kraus, a U.S. soldier who served in the Army Air Corps during World War II. Included is a photocopy of a two-page flight manifest detailing the August 1945 transport of Nazi prisoners to Nuremberg, Germany, in preparation for the war crimes trials held there later that year.
Albert J. Martin collection of World War II photographs
The collection consists of approximately 160 photographs and negatives collected by U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Albert J. Martin during World War II. Photographs show Nazi parades, American troops and materiel, and German landscapes, buildings, and civilians. Also includes nine Holocaust atrocity photographs taken in a concentration camp near Erfurt, Germany.
Paula Kornblum Popowski papers
Negatives, slides, digital images, and other papers of Paula Kornblum Popowski, a Polish-born Jew who survived the Holocaust by passing as a Christian. Materials include pre- and post-war photographs of Popowski and her family and friends, photographs of locations where Popowski lived in Poland and Germany, and her false Polish identification papers. Other materials include postcards and letters sent to Popowski, mostly after the war.
Katherine Goldstein Prevost papers
The collection consists of copy negatives and slides, memoirs, clippings, and other papers of Katherine Goldstein Prevost, a native of Budapest, Hungary, who was imprisoned in Kaufering, a subcamp of Dachau, during World War II. Included is a memoir written by Prevost's friend Ferike Csato and a videocassette interview of Samuel Klasner, another friend, all Holocaust survivors.
Vera Nathans Semel papers
Francine Ajzensztark Taylor papers
Photographs and false identification papers of Francine Ajzensztark Taylor, a Polish-born Jew raised in France before World War II. Photographs depict her and her family members in pre-war England and Poland, as well as in France before, during, and after the war. Also includes four videocassette programs, including two detailed interviews with Taylor in which she discusses her life in France before, during, and after the war.
Bernard Warshaw Holocaust atrocity photographs
The collection consists of approximately 70 Holocaust atrocity photographs taken in Dachau concentration camp by Bernard Warshaw, a captain in the U.S. Army. Photographs show bodies of victims on the grounds and outside the crematorium.