Showing Collections: 211 - 220 of 290
Identifier: Mss 0039
Collection consists of the papers of Emmett E. Robinson, managing director of the Footlight Players Theatre from 1935 to 1977 and professor of fine arts and theatre at the College of Charleston from 1942 to 1982. Papers include assorted biographical materials, writings on community theatre, play and television scripts, and exhibit designs. Also included are materials relating to Footlight Players Theatre, Dock Street Theatre, Mohawk Drama Festival, and Dramatic Society of the College of...
1886-1991; Majority of material found within 1920-1988
Identifier: Mss 1024
Collection Overview
Includes letters, photographs, color photographs, photo albums, photocopies, clippings, pamphlets, typescripts, scrapbook, and ephemera.
Robinson family material includes genealogy (1850-2001); handwritten letters (1923, originals and photocopies) written by Eva Dora Robinson (1892-1923) to her husband Mitchell Robinson (1888-1958) from Asheville, North Carolina, where she was ill with tuberculosis; miscellaneous photographs (1870-1960s) of family and friends including Nettie Meyer Robinson...
Identifier: Mss 0107
Collection Overview
The collection consists of correspondence, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, printed playbills, and writings. The writings consist of plays, poems, copywriting for the local radio station WTMA, guest columns for "The News and Courier", typed and handwritten manuscripts, music and other writings from friends.
Identifier: Mss 0034-170
Collection Overview
This collection consists of items related to the history of Rose Hill Plantation and includes a map, photographs, clippings, and other miscellaneous materials.
1842-approximately 1964
Identifier: Mss 1143
Collection Overview
The collection contains assorted family photographs, correspondence, clippings, newspaper photocopies, and ephemera documenting the Rosen family’s history. Of special focus is the life and work of Sylvan Lewenthal Rosen (1913-1996), former Georgetown mayor (1948-1961) and prominent local attorney. Also included are various genealogical records related to the Rosen family.
Identifier: Mss 1031
Collection Overview
The scrapbooks include photographs, photocopies, clippings, ephemera, and pamphlets.
Collection consists of five scrapbooks compiled by Yetta and Nathan Rosen. First (1930-1935) contains photographs, clippings and ephemera from Nathan Rosen's days at College of Charleston (includes dance cards and bid notice from Tau Epsilon Phi (TEP).
Scrapbooks #2 and #3 pertain to Yetta Rosen's life, 1937-1940, and include ephemera from Greenville High School, clippings regarding work with Greenville YWCA...
Identifier: Mss 1064
Collection Overview
This collection contains 10 boxes of research material obtained by Robert N. Rosen during the writing of the book The Jewish Confederates. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, c2000.
Two boxes contain information regarding specific research about states and cities in the Confederacy. Three boxes contain information and research on specific Jewish individuals mentioned in The Jewish Confederates. One box contains information and research specific to David Levy Yulee as well as...
Identifier: Mss 1166
Papers of Anita Moïse Rosefield Rosenberg, a native of Sumter, South Carolina and a long-time resident of Charleston, South Carolina. In addition to her personal papers, there are others from members of her family, particularly her mother Virginia Moïse Rosefield. The contents include records, clippings, ephemera, correspondence, family photographs and albums, genealogy research, books and publications about southern Jewish history, and a few family artifacts.
1837-2018; Majority of material found within 1960-2018
Identifier: Mss 1130
Photographs, scrapbooks, financial papers, diplomas, certificates, and genealogical research of the Rosenberg, Loeb, and Winstock family. Materials focus primarily on the merchant Abraham Rosenberg and his descendants. Genealogical research includes articles and Evelyn Rosenberg Gross-Brien's biographical information and Ph.D. thesis written on her ancestor and namesake Eva Leah Visanska Winstock. Of note is a scrapbook containing a large number of letters between members of the Rosenberg...
1880-2002; Majority of material found within 1900-1965
Identifier: Mss 1144
Collection Overview
The collection contains photographs, correspondence, and personal papers of the Rosenberg, Winstock, and Hozore families. Also included are a family recipe, a journal, and a copy of the “The Naiad” yearbook. The bulk of the collection dates to the early 20th century. Many documents are written in Russian and Yiddish. Some photographs are labeled to indicate the family members documented.