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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 22

Nathan S. Addlestone papers

Identifier: Mss 1127

Scrapbooks, yearbooks, clippings, programs, newsletters, and reports pertaining to Nathan Addlestone, a Charleston businessman who founded several scrap metal businesses, including Steelmet, Incorporated and Addlestone International Corporation. He was also very active in philanthropy, particularly pertaining to education.

Dates: circa 1910-2009

Brith Sholom Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) congregational records

Identifier: Mss 1068
Abstract The collection consists of the surviving records of Brith Sholom, an orthodox congregation founded in Charleston, South Carolina in 1852, Beth Israel, another orthodox Charleston congregation founded in 1911, and the records of Brith Sholom Beth Israel founded in 1954 when the two congregations merged. Also included are the records of Charleston Hebrew Institute, founded in 1956, and later known as the Addlestone Hebrew Academy. With records of the Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society, the...
Dates: 1888-2012

Sandra Garfinkel and Morton Henry Shapiro papers

Identifier: Mss 1120
Abstract The collection consists of photographs, photograph albums, diaries, scrapbooks, High School of Charleston and university materials, correspondence, travel souvenirs, oral histories, and family interviews of Sandra Garfinkel and Morton Henry Shapiro. The majority of materials document Sandra Garfinkel Shapiro's youth, from her teenage years through her graduation from University of North Carolina in 1957, with the largest portion of the collection consisting of photographs of Sandra and her...
Dates: 1901-2014; Majority of material found within 1935-2002

Isadore Givner papers

Identifier: Mss 1041

Awards, certificates, degrees, letters and miscellaneous papers relating to the professional career of Dr. Isadore Givner, ophthalmologist.

Dates: 1918-1998; Majority of material found within 1940-1950s

Alwyn Goldstein papers

Identifier: Mss 1096

Biographical materials, correspondence, research files, printed materials, photographs, family scrapbooks, and family photograph albums of Alwyn Goldstein of Georgetown, South Carolina. Also included are materials relating to Alwyn’s Department Store and various administrative records of Temple Beth Elohim.

Dates: 1886-2014

Lee Cohen Harby papers

Identifier: Mss 1019
Collection Overview Includes correspondence, photographs, photocopies, clippings, scrapbook, typescript. Genealogical information on descendants of Isaac Harby (birth, death and marriage dates); cabinet card (1891) of Lee C. Harby; handwritten letter re. Harby family of Delhi, NY; clippings of Harby poems published in newspapers (Texas, NY and SC); typescript of poem, "The Lesson of Easter"; clippings of essays about Texas; clippings of misc. published essays, topics include: southern plantation life, Jewish...
Dates: 1859-1911

Willard N. Hirsch papers

Identifier: Mss 1074

This collection contains Willard Hirsch's papers, clippings, and publications related to his career as a sculptor, including his correspondence, photographs, sketches of his artwork, a scrapbook related to his work, and exhibition catalogs. It also includes information on his work as an art instructor, his involvement with the arts and Jewish communities in Charleston, South Carolina, and on members of his family, including his wife, Mordenai Raisin Hirsch, and uncle, Herman Rosenbluth.

Dates: 1911-2010

Jewish Community Center papers

Identifier: Mss 1063
Collection Overview The administrative files mostly document planning for, financing, and building the new Jewish Community Center in suburban Charleston; with blueprints, architects Simons, Lapham, Mitchell and Small correspondence and a small amount of history. The largest series contains photographs documenting Jewish life and Jewish Community Center activities, ca. 1945 to 1998. Original order, when possible, was kept, there being topical and biographical files (including images, 1980s-1990s, of Russian...
Dates: 1920-1998

Jack Krawcheck business records

Identifier: Mss 1026
Collection Overview Includes business records, financial documents, correspondence, photographs, photocopies, carbon copies, clippings, ephemera, pamphlets, scrapbooks, realia. Bulk of collection are records from Jack Krawcheck's business (filed alphabetically, in original order in which they were donated); vendor records exist for 1948-49, 1950-51 and 1951-52; files contain invoices, order forms, and occasional correspondence; also included are tax and banking information for same time periods and carbon...
Dates: 1939-1980; Majority of material found within 1948-1953

Lazarus and Hirsch families papers

Identifier: Mss 1018
Abstract This collection contains photographs, correspondence, clippings, pins, a textile, legal documents, albums, and other items relating to Jane Lazarus Raisin and the Lazarus and Hirsch families of Charleston, as well as the related Hart, Levy, Cohen, Mordecai, Harby, De Lyon, De La Motta, and Raisin families. Collection includes numerous early photographs. Materials also pertain to Charleston's Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (KKBE) synagogue and Jewish life in Charleston and South Carolina in the...
Dates: 1776, 1818-2005

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  • Subject: Jews -- South Carolina X
  • Subject: scrapbooks X

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Additional filters:

clippings (information artifacts) 15
correspondence 14
photographs 12
black-and-white photographs 9
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 8
Charleston (S.C.) 6
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston 6
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- Correspondence 6
certificates 6
color photographs 6
financial records 6
minutes (administrative records) 6
printed ephemera 6
programs (documents) 6
artifacts (object genre) 5
genealogical tables 4
newsletters 4
audiocassettes 3
black-and-white negatives 3
diaries 3
family papers 3
membership lists 3
personal correspondence 3
photocopies 3
photograph albums 3
Israel -- Description and travel 2
Jewish families -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 2
Jewish lawyers -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 2
Jewish merchants -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 2
Jewish youth -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- Societies and clubs 2
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- Social life and customs 2
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- Societies, etc. 2
autograph albums 2
awards 2
business records 2
commercial correspondence 2
constitutions 2
files (document groupings) 2
financial statements 2
fliers (printed matter) 2
interviews 2
letters (correspondence) 2
pamphlets 2
pennants 2
picture postcards 2
school yearbooks 2
textiles (visual works) 2
videocassettes 2
yearbooks 2
African Americans -- Relations with Jews 1
Ardennes, Battle of the, 1944-1945 -- Personal narratives, American 1
Art -- Study and teaching 1
Authors, American -- 19th century 1
Bibles 1
Charleston (S.C.) -- Biography 1
Charleston (S.C.) -- Genealogy 1
Charleston (S.C.) -- Politics and government 1
Charleston County (S.C.) 1
Clothing trade -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 1
Community organization -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
Conservative Judaism -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
DVDs 1
Educational benefactors -- South Carolina 1
Ephemera 1
Folly Beach (S.C.) -- Pictorial works 1
Fund raising 1
Fund raising -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
Georgetown (S.C.) 1
Greenville news (Greenville, S.C. : 1920) 1
Greenville piedmont 1
Hasidism 1
Immigrants -- United States -- History 1
Jewish artists -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
Jewish authors 1
Jewish authors -- 19th century 1
Jewish businesspeople -- South Carolina 1
Jewish businesspeople -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
Jewish camps 1
Jewish college students -- South Carolina -- History 1
Jewish families 1
Jewish families -- South Carolina -- Greenville -- History 1
Jewish merchants -- South Carolina -- Georgetown 1
Jewish physicians -- New York (State) -- Biography 1
Jewish sermons 1
Jewish soldiers 1
Jewish women -- South Carolina -- Charleston 1
Jewish women -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- Charities 1
Jews -- Social life and customs 1
Jews -- Social life and customs -- 19th century 1
Jews -- Social life and customs -- 20th century 1
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- Biography 1
Jews -- South Carolina -- Georgetown 1
Jews -- South Carolina -- Greenville -- History 1
Jews -- South Carolina -- Greenville -- Social life and customs 1
Jews -- South Carolina -- Grennville -- History 1
Jews -- South Carolina -- Social life and customs 1
Jews -- South Carolina -- Sumter 1
Jews in public life 1
Kiawah Island (S.C.) 1
Hirsch, Mordenai Raisin 4
Raisin, Rachel M. 3
Jewish Community Center (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Raisin family 2
Raisin, Jane Lazarus, 1887-1965 2
Shulman, Nat, 1914-2000 2
Abrams, Irving, 1925-2020 1
Abrams, Marjorie K., 1925-2018 1
Addlestone Hebrew Academy (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Addlestone International Corporation 1
Addlestone, Marlene Alfred 1
Addlestone, Nathan S., 1913-2001 1
Adler, Jacob, 1887-1976 1
Aleph Zadik Aleph. Charleston Chapter 1
Alwyn's Department Store (Georgetown, S.C.) 1
Archambault, Sandra, 1944-2022 1
Bender, Florence Solomon, 1910-1954 1
Berlinsky, Jaclyn 1
Beth Elohim (Georgetown, S.C.) 1
Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Blachman, Penny Siegel 1
Bovarnick, Joan Givner 1
Brith Sholom (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Brith Sholom Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Brith Sholom Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.). Sisterhood 1
Camp Baker (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Camp Juniper (Cheraw, S.C.) 1
Camp K'Tanim (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Camp Wesash (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Chabad Lubavitch (Organization) 1
Charleston County Council 1
Charleston Hebrew Institute (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Charleston Jewish Federation 1
Charleston Jewish Welfare Fund 1
Charleston Trident Chamber of Commerce 1
Coburn, Bette Lee, 1922- 1
Cofield, Nancy Siegel 1
Cohen family 1
Cohn, Edward L. 1
College of Charleston. Alumni Association 1
Congregation Sinai (Sumter, S.C.) 1
De La Motta family 1
De Lyon family 1
Democratic Party (Charleston County, S.C.) 1
Dreyfus, Sylvia K., 1924-2013 1
Elks (Fraternal order). Charleston Lodge No. 242 1
Exchange Club of Charleston (S.C.) 1
Feldman family 1
Freemasons 1
Garfinkel family 1
Givner, Henrietta, 1890-1946 1
Givner, Isadore, 1903-1982 1
Givner, Lewis M. 1
Givner, Martha Barbe, 1912-1992 1
Goldfless, Eileen Givner 1
Goldstein family 1
Goldstein, Alwyn, 1915-2010 1
Goodman, Barbara Givner 1
Greenhill, Marsha Silver 1
Greenspon, Roz G. 1
Greenville County Museum of Art 1
Halio, Frances, 1932-2017 1
Harby family 1
Harby, Lee Cohen, 1849-1918 1
Hart family 1
Hebrew Benevolent Society (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Heller, Max M. (Max Moses), 1919- 1
Hirsch (Family : Charleston, S.C.) 1
Hirsch family 1
Hirsch, Elaine Shulman, 1938-2018 1
Hirsch, Isaac Willard, 1844-1925 1
Hirsch, Willard Newman, 1905-1982 1
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union 1
Jack Krawcheck's (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Jewish Community Center (Charleston, S.C.). Booster Club 1
Jewish Community Center (Charleston, S.C.). Friendship Club 1
Jewish Community Center (Charleston, S.C.). Junior Booster Club 1
Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, S.C.) Brotherhood 1
Krawcheck, Jack, 1899-1986 1
Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Lazar family 1
Lazarus (Family : Charleston, S.C.) 1
Levy family 1
London, Ross 1
Messerman, Gale Siegel 1
Mordecai family 1
Moses family 1
Moïse, Penina 1
Nachman, Mordecai, 1907-1970 1
National Council of Jewish Women. Charleston Section 1
National Jewish Welfare Board 1
Novit, Albert J. 1
Nussbaum, Maurice 1
Project Renewal (Israel) 1
Prystowsky family 1
Prystowsky, Arnold, 1918-2015 1
Prystowsky, Shirley Feldman 1
Raisin, Aaron S., 1922-1989 1
Raisin, Jacob S. (Jacob Salmon), 1878-1946 1