Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 115
China Hall card photographs and miscellaneous financial and property records
Two black and white card photographs of China Hall and miscellaneous Charleston County financial and property records.
Cohen, Emanuel, Moses, and Seixas family papers
Collis family papers
Colman and Blank families papers
The collection consists of professional and personal correspondence, professional materials, photograph albums and photographs, and other assorted papers of the Colman and Blank families of Charleston, South Carolina. Materials relate to Beverly Isabel Colman, a former managing editor for Schocken Books, and her great-great grandmother Rosa Simmons Blank, Rosa's son, Isadore Blank, and Isadore's son, Edwin J. Blank.
Comments on lectures given by Orestes A. Brownson
The collection consists of five newspaper clippings of letters to the editor of the Charleston Standard. The letters were written in 1856 and were in response to a series of lectures by Orestes Augustus Brownson. They attack the "Catholicity" of Brownson's theology. Each is signed "Protestantism."
H. Morris Cox research notes on the Charleston Poetic Renascence
Lynn Dugan papers
Papers of Lynn Dugan, founder, chair, and CEO of the Charleston Pride Organization, Inc. and founder of the Charleston Social Club, a social group for lesbians and supporters in the Charleston, South Carolina, area. Materials include organizational and event files documenting the first Charleston Pride event in North Charleston, South Carolina in 2010 and Charleston Social Club’s tenth-year anniversary celebration, Lezz Fest in North Charleston in 2013.
"Earthquake Sand: A Curiosity" broadside
Broadside promoting the sale of vials of colored sand as a souvenir of the earthquake, 31 Aug. 1886, that hit Charleston, S.C.; sold at 15 cents per bottle; sand collected by C.I. Walker, Jr.
Fellowship Society records
Minutes (1769-1963), membership records (1762-1993) and financial records (1774-2004) document all activities of the Fellowship Society, a Charleston, South Carolina benevolent organization dedicated to charity, education, and upkeep of widows and orphans of its members.
Mary Jo Smith Fetzer papers
The collection consists of the papers of Mary Jo Smith Fetzer, graphic artist and founding staff member of WCIV-TV in Charleston, South Carolina. The papers include photographs, correspondence, and artwork from Fetzer’s personal and professional life and materials belonging to her partner, M.E. Van Dyke.