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Showing Collections: 91 - 100 of 115

Nat Shulman papers

Identifier: Mss 1007
Abstract Papers of Nat Shulman (1914-2000), director of Charleston's Jewish Community Center from its founding in 1945 until his retirement in 1972. The papers reflect his prominence in Jewish civic life in Charleston; they include correspondence from his years in leadership at the Jewish Community Center, the Charleston Jewish Welfare Fund, and the Charleston Jewish Federation and documentation of his participation in all kinds of Jewish and civic groups. In addition, there are biographical...
Dates: 1943-2000; Majority of material found within 1970-1995

Albert Simons papers

Identifier: Mss 0044
Collection Overview Papers consist of Simons' writings, correspondence, sketchbooks, clippings, prints, and miscellaneous items.Simons' writings include lecture notes (many on index cards) and essays on subjects such as church architecture, French history, Robert Mills, the architecture of Charleston (S.C.), Greek temples, and Sir Christopher Wren.Letters (1908-1977) are mostly Simons' personal and professional correspondence with various individuals, family members, and organizations,...
Dates: 1908-1977

Simons & Lapham architectural drawings

Identifier: Mss 0011
Collection Overview At least six unrelated projects are represented: (1) "Crystal Lake Country Club..., S. Lapham, Jr., designer. Akron, Ohio, March 1919." Plan and elevation (2 drawings). These two drawings are the only known examples of Lapham's work to survive from the period before his partnership with Simons. (2) Two inked plans (1 drawing) by Albert Simons for two floors of a house, 16 November 1923. (3) "Pedestals for Sculpture at Gibbes Art Gallery, Charleston, South Carolina" by Albert Simons, August...
Dates: 1919-1952

Sisterhood of Synagogue Emanu-El Ladies Night Out scrapbooks

Identifier: Mss 1108

Collection consists of two scrapbooks containing photographs, clippings, tickets, invitations, raffle lists, guest lists, and other assorted ephemera related to the Ladies Night Out annual fundraising event held by the Sisterhood of Synagogue Emanu-El to benefit Emanu-El synagogue, Charleston's first Conservative congregation. Sunny Steinberg, co-chair of Ladies Night Out from 2000 to 2010, compiled both scrapbooks.

Dates: 2000-2010

Alvin Wilson Skardon notes

Identifier: Mss 0060
Collection Overview Collection contains photocopies, typescripts, handwritten notes and tape recordings compiled by Skardon as research undertaken to prepare a history of the College of Charleston from 1785 to 1985. It is incomplete and is primarily concerned with the period from 1935 to 1970. The history prior to 1935 was to be based largely on J.H. Easterby's "History of the College of Charleston: Founded 1770" (1935). A draft of one chapter of Skardon's planned history was completed, and it covers the years...
Dates: 1985-1991

Charlie Smith papers

Identifier: Mss 0218
Abstract This collection consists of the papers of Charlie Smith, white activist for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) rights, political candidate, and real estate broker. The papers include biographical material about Smith. There are also subject files and audiovisual materials from Smith’s political campaigns for Village Council in Miami Shores, Florida, and for South Carolina House District 119 in Charleston, South Carolina. There are professional papers relating to Smith’s...
Dates: 1936-2020

South-Carolina Society records

Identifier: Mss 0047
Collection Overview

South-Carolina Society records consist of typewritten, annotated transcriptions of minutes compiled as a W.P.A. project from 1935 to 1937. Minutes of meetings (1827; 1865-1888) concern applications for membership, the establishment of a female academy, revision of society rules, financial matters, assistance to persons who have applied to the Society for relief, and other organizational business.

Dates: 1827-1937

St. Andrew's Society of Charleston records

Identifier: Mss 0144

This collection includes administrative, financial, and membership records, records of charitable assistance, and other materials of the St. Andrew's Society of Charleston. Records document the social and benevolent activities of the St. Andrew's Society between the years 1729 to 2001.

Dates: 1729-2001

St. Philip Street "Rewisited" Reunion

Identifier: Mss 1001
Collection Overview Material related to reunion of St. Philip Street Jewish community, March 2-4, 1990, Charleston, South Carolina. Includes planning notes, reminiscences and correspondence, publicity materials, a video, photographs, prints of photographs, and photocopies of photographs. The collection consists of reminiscences by St. Philip Street residents regarding life in the area during the 1930s-40s. Questionnaires containing biographical information about former residents are also available. Also notable...
Dates: 1920-1990

Theodore Sanders Stern presidential records

Identifier: Mss 5002
Abstract The papers document the many roles President Theodore S. Stern filled in administering the College of Charleston, as well as his affiliation with other organizations. Included are Board of Trustee records, reflecting the College's administration by the city of Charleston (1968-1969) and then by the State College Board of Trustees (1969-1975); his presidential correspondence (1968-1978); correspondence with politicians (1968-1975); committee activities (1968-1974); planning and development...
Dates: 1952, 1966, 1968-1978; Majority of material found within 1969-1978

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  • Repository: Special Collections X
  • Subject: Charleston (S.C.) X

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Additional filters:

correspondence 55
Charleston (S.C.) 51
clippings (information artifacts) 46
black-and-white photographs 34
scrapbooks 24
color photographs 21
Charleston (S.C.) -- History 17
minutes (administrative records) 15
photographs 15
certificates 13
financial records 13
photograph albums 13
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston 11
programs (documents) 10
genealogical tables 9
South Carolina -- History 8
compact discs 8
diaries 8
newsletters 8
typescripts 8
videocassettes 8
Charleston (S.C.) -- Social life and customs 7
manuscripts (documents) 7
pamphlets 7
photocopies 7
audiocassettes 6
letters (correspondence) 6
personal correspondence 6
publications (documents) 6
Charleston (S.C.) -- Commerce 5
DVDs 5
South Carolina -- History -- 1865- 5
ledgers (account books) 5
membership lists 5
notes (documents) 5
posters 5
Charleston (S.C.) -- Pictorial works 4
Cold War 4
Jewish families -- South Carolina -- Charleston 4
Jewish women -- South Carolina -- Charleston 4
Jews -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 4
South Carolina -- Politics and government -- 20th century 4
Speeches 4
administrative records 4
black-and-white negatives 4
color slides 4
daguerreotypes (photographs) 4
fliers (printed matter) 4
floppy disks 4
magazines (periodicals) 4
postcards 4
research notes 4
sketchbooks 4
speeches (documents) 4
Charities -- South Carolina -- Charleston 3
Charleston (S.C.) -- Biography 3
Charleston (S.C.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 3
Charleston (S.C.) -- Genealogy 3
Fraternal organizations -- South Carolina -- Charleston 3
Gay artists -- United States 3
Gay rights -- South Carolina 3
Jewish families -- South Carolina 3
Jewish merchants -- South Carolina -- Charleston 3
Jewish merchants -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- History 3
News and courier (Charleston, S.C. : Daily) 3
North Charleston (S.C.) 3
United States -- Armed Forces 3
United States -- Politics and government -- 20th century 3
World politics -- 1945-1989 3
account books 3
articles 3
artifacts (object genre) 3
awards 3
booklets 3
born digital 3
broadsides (notices) 3
brochures 3
bylaws (administrative records) 3
cabinet photographs 3
cashbooks 3
congressional committee records 3
constitutions 3
drawings (visual works) 3
family papers 3
genealogies (histories) 3
interviews 3
journals (accounts) 3
legal documents 3
legislative records 3
manuscripts for publication 3
maps (documents) 3
memorandums 3
negatives (photographs) 3
notebooks 3
organization files 3
pennants 3
periodicals 3
prints (visual works) 3
questionnaires 3
receipts (financial records) 3
College of Charleston 7
Alliance for Full Acceptance 4
Charleston Naval Shipyard 4
Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, S.C.) 4
United States. Works Progress Administration 4
Addlestone Hebrew Academy (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Brith Sholom Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Karesh, Rosalyn Furchgott 3
Rivers, L. Mendel (Lucius Mendel), 1905-1970 3
United States. Congress. House 3
We Are Family (Charleston, S.C.) 3
Anderson, Dorothy Middleton 2
Bennett, John, 1865-1956 2
Beth Israel (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina 2
Cohen family 2
Confederate Home and College (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Easterby, J. H. (James Harold), 1898-1960 2
Eastman, Margaret Middleton Rivers 2
Grice, George Daniel, 1900-1977 2
Harby family 2
Hirsch family 2
Hirsch, Mordenai Raisin 2
I.M. Pearlstine & Sons (S.C.) 2
Jewish Community Center (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Ketner, Linda 2
Lathan, Robert, 1881-1937 2
Levy family 2
Lowcountry AIDS Services 2
Medical University of South Carolina 2
Mendelssohn family 2
Moses family 2
National Council of Jewish Women. Charleston Section 2
National Jewish Welfare Board 2
Raisin family 2
Raisin, Jane Lazarus, 1887-1965 2
Raisin, Rachel M. 2
Rivers, Lucius Mendel, Jr. 2
Rivers, Margaret Middleton 2
Shulman, Nat, 1914-2000 2
Simons, Albert, 1890-1980 2
Smith family 2
Smith, Charlie 2
St. Philip's Church (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Stern, Theodore Sanders 2
Synagogue Emanu-El (Charleston, S.C.) 2
Synagogue Emanu-El (Charleston, S.C.). Sisterhood 2
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services 2
United States. Navy 2
Aberman, Mary Ann, 1935- 1
Academy of Music (Charleston, S.C.) 1
Adams, George Alexander, 1887-1984 1
Adams, George Smith, 1923-2018 1
Adams, Theodora Elizabeth Smith, 1888-1983 1
Aiken, William Martin, 1855-1908 1
Aimar, G. W. 1
Aleph Zadik Aleph 1
Aleph Zadik Aleph. Charleston Chapter 1
Alexander, M. Bishop 1
Allen, Hervey, 1889-1949 1
Alston family 1
Alterman, Jennet Robinson 1
Alterman, Marsha 1
Alwyn's Department Store (Georgetown, S.C.) 1
American Views 1
Archambault, Sandra, 1944-2022 1
Ashley Theater (West Ashley, S.C.) 1
B'nai B'rith Girls. Charleston Chapter No. 1134 1
B'nai B'rith Girls. Charleston Chapter No. 1541 1
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization 1
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization. District No. 5 1
B-52's (Musical group) 1
Bailey family 1
Baker family 1
Baker, Barry 1
Baker, Louis, 1909-1955 1
Bank of Charleston 1
Bank of Liverpool 1
Bank of the United States (1791-1811) 1
Bank of the United States (1816-1836) 1
Banov (Family : Banov, Leon, Jr., 1914-2007) 1
Banov family 1
Banov, Alan 1
Banov, Leon, Jr., 1914-2007 1
Banov, Rita Landesman, 1920-2002 1
Barnwell family 1
Barnwell, Catherine Osborn, 1809-1886 1
Barnwell, William Hazzard, 1806-1863 1
Bass family 1
Bayless, Joy 1
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827 1
Belloc, Hilaire, 1870-1953 1
Bennett, Susan Smythe, 1878-1965 1
Berendt family 1
Berendt, Anna Gelson, 1913-2001 1
Berendt, Benjamin, 1912-2010 1
Berendt, Gerald E. 1
Bergen, Jane B. 1
Berlinsky, Jaclyn 1
Berrigan, Daniel 1