Showing Collections: 81 - 90 of 294
Identifier: Mss 1043
Collection Overview
Contains letters (1930, 1958) to Furchgott regarding membership achievements in Friendship Lodge No. 9; formal photographs of Friendship Lodge No. 9 members (b/w) 1909, 1949, 1954, 1963-1965, and two undated photographs (ca. 1950s). 1961 Lodge Resolution in recognition of Furchgott's 55 years of service and Memoriam Resolution (1971) from Friendship Lodge issued upon Furchgott's death. Ephemera includes receipts (1906) for dues paid, menu from Lodge's 144th Anniversary (1911) Dinner held at...
Identifier: Mss 0034-024
Collection Overview
A letter (1776 Oct. 19) from Alexander Garden at Charleston, South Carolina, to John Gerar William De Brahm at Charleston contains Garden's critique of De Brahm's treatise on the balance and counterbalance of the atmosphere. A draft of a letter (1776 Oct.?) from De Brahm to Garden with additions and corrections thanks Garden for his "ingenious criticism" of his essay and answers Garden's questions about his essay. De Brahm provides detailed examples and refers to major scientists and their...
Identifier: Mss 1120
The collection consists of photographs, photograph albums, diaries, scrapbooks, High School of Charleston and university materials, correspondence, travel souvenirs, oral histories, and family interviews of Sandra Garfinkel and Morton Henry Shapiro. The majority of materials document Sandra Garfinkel Shapiro's youth, from her teenage years through her graduation from University of North Carolina in 1957, with the largest portion of the collection consisting of photographs of Sandra and her...
1901-2014; Majority of material found within 1935-2002
Identifier: Mss 1138
Photographs, photograph albums, military documents, certificates, correspondence, and other papers of Nathan Garfinkle. Materials primarily document Garfinkle's service in the United States Army during World War II, with the largest portion of items consisting of photographs and photograph albums from his military service with the Chemical Warfare Service at the Columbia Army Air Base and his deployment in the South Pacific. A smaller number of photographs feature his time as a student at...
1921-circa 1980
Identifier: Mss 0034-077
Collection Overview
The letter is addressed to William Stephen, a Charleston businessman, and is from Fred Garrissen of Bremen, Germany. In the letter Garrissen expresses concern about Atlantic shipping interests. He explains that there were major food shortages in Germany and informs Stephen that Europeans were dependent on trade from the Americas. Garrissen asked Stephen to send him "old rice," tobacco, coffee, pimento, cotton, deerskins, and sugar so that he can resell the materials for a large profit.
Identifier: Mss 0020
Papers of Lewis R. Gibbes, Professor of mathematics, astronomy, and physics at the College of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina, from 1838-1892. Papers include materials relating to Gibbes' studies in France, assorted obituaries, eulogies, and memorials, his published papers and newspaper articles (collected into several scrapbooks) on his scientific work and other topics, assorted Elliott Society of Natural History materials, astronomical charts and calculations, assorted cartes de...
1800s-1893, 1937
Identifier: Mss 0034-162
Collection Overview
This collection consists of items related to the Gibbs, Stanyanne, Washington, Peronneau, Finley, Broun, DuBose, Moore, and Vanderhorst families. All of these families were early immigrants to the Charleston, S.C. area. The collection includes miscellaneous genealogical, biographical, and primary sources.
approximately 1873-approximately 1990
Identifier: Mss 0034-160
Collection Overview
This collection consists of items related to Carolina Howard Gilman and her family. It includes miscellaneous genealogical, biographical, and primary sources.
Identifier: Mss 1041
Awards, certificates, degrees, letters and miscellaneous papers relating to the professional career of Dr. Isadore Givner, ophthalmologist.
1918-1998; Majority of material found within 1940-1950s
Identifier: Mss 1051
Papers of the Goldberg (a.k.a. Gelbart or Geldbart) family of Mogielnica, Poland, and Charleston, South Carolina. The collection includes photographs of family members in Poland and South Carolina; a brief family history; and correspondence (1920s-1930s) between family members in Mogielnica and brothers Gershon (George Goldberg) and Yisroel (Israel Geldbart) in Charleston. Also included are two memorial photograph albums that chronicle Moshe Yidel Gelbart's funeral procession in Mogielnica...